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19th August 1966
19th August 1966
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Page 1, 19th August 1966

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Improving the driver's lot

T HE first result of bad driving is short transmission life, caused by ham-fisted changing and lack of sympathy for the clutch...

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THTA objects to clearway proposals

S UPPLIERS and customers of many hundreds of shops will be seriously inconvenienced if they are denied the facility of...


By John Darker, AMBIM A FOUR-HOUR meeting on Wednesday between British Oxygen Co. Ltd. and four trade unions to discuss...

Tartan Arrow join THC

By S. Buckley, Assoc. Inst.T New venture brings projected road/rail parcels seivice under nationalized umbrella S O THC...

Page 27

£10,000 claim after trailer allegations

THE alleged defamation of one Scottish trailer manufacturing company by another, and incidents said to have taken place at the...

Warning to 'lunatic fringe'

A WARNING to the "lunatic fringe" in the commercial transport industry was given by Mr. C. E. Humphrey, the area mechnical...

Date fixed for new braking regulations

T HE Minister of Transport has announced that after considering representations made by many organizations she has decided...

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High repair charges on Severn Bridge

P ROPOSED charges for removal and repair services are too high, the Craders Road Transport Association has old the Ministry of...

Harmonizing fuel arrangements

THE Common Market Commission has sent to the Council of Ministers a proposal about the harmonization of arrangements for the...

Controlled parking in Ilford

CONTROLLED parking to plans approved by the Greater London Council will be introduced in Ilford next January to combat the...

Autumn debate on liner trains?

T INER trains may be debated in the L./ Commons soon after the House resumes in October. Tory transport expert, Mr. David...

Research on materials handling

I NF OR MATIO N on all kinds of materials handling methods is being sought by a small working group of the National Joint...

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A Magirus-Deutx tractive unit operated by the London haulier Hiltons Transport on trunk hauls to the north in conjunction with...


FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A T a recent meeting, the international group of the RHA discussed the difficulties arising from...


T HE following IRU meetings are scheduled to take place in the autumn: September 13: Tilt Committee meeting — Turin....

Extension of TIR scheme

A NUMBER of European organizations are currently giving serious thought to the possible modification and extension of the TIR...

EEC plans to protect competition

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT N EW moves being taken by the Common Market countries to strengthen transport competition...

Page 30

;tate aid for ural services

UPPORT for bus services in any part of the country should be first and foremost a local ponsibility, declared Mrs. Barbara...

'reeze for union eaders?

RATHER cautiously worded Government statement last week implied that the pay !eze should apply to the salaries of Mr. Frank...

iromise on parking onditions

VHEN Mrs. Castle is reviewing the carriers' licensing system she will bear in mind the 3ssibility of attaching parking...

Minister's plea for fares standstill

THE Minister of Transport has asked bus operators not to apply for fare increases during the next few months and to postpone...

IT Co-ordination progress

A PROGRESS report on the work of the London TranAport Co-ordinating Council was given in the Commons last week by Mr. Stephen...

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Co-ordinating committees in the autumn?

T HE Minister of Transport is proposing, in consultation with the Economic Planning Councils, to set up regional transport...

Accident Study

LA ST week's announcement of a special study of vans in accidents came after an MP had tried unsuccessfully to find out...

Planning the South Orbital Road

T HE Minister of Transport is to proceed with the further planning and preparation needed for the South Orbital Road in Kent...

Parking unlit vehicles

T HE Ministry of Transport has been studying the possibility of devising a single set of rules which could be applicable...

Page 32

:ewer But More 'rofitable Thefts

T HIEVES who take vehicles and their leads from the streets in the London area .re finding it possible to be more selective....

2uarry Rates Probe

3y John Darker r N HIS written decision refusing a longL. outstanding Contract A renewal bid by koke St. Michael Transport Co....

Strong objection to holiday service bid

A WITNESS from Hall Brothers Ltd. told the West Midland Traffic Commissioners, sitting in Birmingham on Tuesday, that he could...

Page 35

Goole grant depleted

A RECENT appeal by the Transport Holding Company against a decision of the Yorkshire deputy Licensing Authority was finalized...

Grant for two in contract switch

A LIVERPOOL haulage company was granted two additional A-licensed vehicles by the North Western deputy Licensing Authority, Mr....

Picking-up grant for Eatonways

A r Birmingham on Monday, Birmingham Corporation Transport unsuccessfully opposed a new picking-up point on the line of route...

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CW Coaches or Britain

EW TRANSIT COACH FOR ORTH AMERICAN MARKET nOLLOWING the completion of a series 4 of moves to rationalize its bus and coach...

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Was Socialist councillor 'nobbled'?

T HE case of a Sheffield bus conductor who had been dismissed after 20 years' service because he would not join a trade union...

Glasgow busmen in pay dispute

GLASGOW'S 6,000 municipal transport workers claim that the wages freeze does not apply to them and have demanded their recent...

More go Bristol

A CHASSIS which is provin g to be popular rm. with municipal bus operators is the Bristol RE rear-underfloor-en g ined sin g...

Against the tide?

A LTHOUGH a widespread adoption one-man single-deck buses is beii encouraged by the Ministry of Transpo Edinburgh Corporation...

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.3oach comfort in Deansgate mini-tourer

nOMFORT associated with the conventional passenger coach is featured in a ompact Deansgate touring coach just atroduced by the...

Some Show Exhibits

D ETAILS of some buses and coaches to be seen at Earls Court this year can now be given. As usual the Duple Group will exhibit...

More Fleetlines for Scottish Bus Group

T WO important repeat orders for Daimler Fleetline double-deckers have been placed by member companies of the Scottish Bus...

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New semi-trailers from Boden

A NEW range of semi-trailers—Boden Mk.III—will be shown by Boden Trailers Ltd. at Earls Court this year. Although there will...


CONVERTED six-wheeler built by the Primrose Third Axle Co. Ltd., Ewood, Blackburn, for Unilever Ltd., to be used for a special...

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Bri-Mec at Earls Court

HE Bri-Mec multi-purpose lorry body L is to be exhibited by its makers, Bristol etal Contracts Ltd., at the forthcoming...

few company for pecial-purpose tools

k NEW company has been formed by J. W. Pickavant and Co. Ltd. in asmiation with the Kent-Moore Corporation, f Michigan, USA,...

Know Your Air Brakes

Part 22—Care and Maintenance of v,,...., I Air Tanks and Reservoirs BY HANDYMAN A LTHOUGH air reservoirs have been M....

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Frameless storage racks

A STORAGE system which is claimed to be entirely new to the UK uses a material which has been employed successfully in the USA...

Garage creeper

A HEADREST is built into a new reinforced-plastics g; creeper—the Mark III—just announced by E. F. Al and Co. Ltd. The surface...

Wing mirrors

OMMERCIAL vehicle mirrors made by Magnatex Ltd. are now obtainable without the supporting brackets. This means that the two...

Jacks from Westinghouse

S INCE taking over the Mann Egerton range of garage equipn Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. has been carrying development work...

Faced panels

DERFONIT Ltd. has set up a board engineering division the manufacture, among other things, of aluminium-ft composite panels for...

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Leyland plumps for semi-automatic goods

By A. J. P. Wilding AMIMechE, MIRTE. A MAJOR theme of Leyland Motors' exhibits at the forthcoming Commercial Motor Show will...

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Immense potential of the

Wilson Foldfork By John Darker S INCE the Wilson Foldfork was introduced at the Mechanical Handling Exhibition last May...

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Leyland's Semi-Automatic gearbox has been proved in many years operation in P.S.V.'s throughout the world. Now Leyland have...


A Leyland Semi-Automatic gearbox greatly increases the safety of a vehicle. With the heaviest load, on the steepesi hill, gear...

Page 57

Why the Excitement?

I AM quite at a loss to understand why Mr. Harrison, of York Trailers, continues to get so excited on the subject of...

Basic Wages the Main Issue

IN ANSWER to the letter of W. A. G. Sayers (July 29 issue)! wc like to inform him that! am L. Phipps, of Clapton, London E5, I...

Two promising reports

A S Pointed out in these notes from time to time stock markets are largely occupied in assessing what is to come and taking...

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I WALKED right past the Daimler Roadliner that I was due to 1 test. Such was the disguise that the Duple Commander bodywork...

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brake application easier, but in testing I felt that it must hold without this assistance. I must make it clear at this point...

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lelping drivers solve parking problems

P ARKING meters are here to stay. A great extension of their area is planned for London and a zone some 10 miles across will...

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BY J. P. B. SHERRIF MITA "IrWO bridges connected by country lanes" was the description of one haulier when he was invited to...

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f HE withdrawal by BRS (Parcels) Ltd. of a proposed 5 per cent increase in rates must have an effect on the plans of ther...

AMMUNITION IN FINAL REPORT The allegation is scarcely confirmed from

other sources, even those with no particular reason to defend the haulier. The ammunition used by Mr. Brown is to be found in...

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Pleasures to Come

BLACKPOOL and Paris are already on the 1967 diaries of many cleansing enthusiasts. The 69th annual conference of the Institute...

Voracious Shark

AlLR a busy session during the appliance display at the recent Institute of Public Cleansing conference, representatives of...

Stuttgart's Snorkel

THE Simon Snorkel, the elevating plat form now used in many branches of Britisl local authority service, has been adoptec by...

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KANY inquiries received for advice on setting up in transport VI operation, whether in haulage or ancillary operation, only io...

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T WO forthcoming courses in the field of transport management are well worth a closer look, They both intrdduce new features...

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Guards pay attention to detail

.'".UAR DS—smart. efficient, handpicked, chosen for a particular job, and at all times ready for service. I could almost be...