Featured Articles

Oct 1980
Delta Coming On Stream...
It's nice to welcome another British haulage vehicle to the market and Bill ...

Aug 1912
The Quest Of The Fool-proof...
The Continuation (from page 531) of the Story of the Evolution of an Oil Pump ...

Apr 1994
A New Kind Of Used...
Ask a dozen UK franchised truck dealers what they think of used commercials and ...

May 1923
The First Town To Abolish Tramcars...
Keighley Town Council's Decision to Replace its Tramway Undertaking by a Trolley...

Aug 1958
Northern Tanker Operators Stick To ...
By Alan Smith, F.R.S.A. A LMOST complete standardization on one make of ...

Oct 2008
P Legal Briefs Dtc Says Apply Again...
IN REFUSING TO grant a licence to The Farmers Dairy Co because of the admitted ...

Feb 1995
Mil Is Doing Well 'over There...
by Steve Sturgess • Although the first Cummins Mll diesels won't be appearing ...
Welcome to the Commercial Motor Archive
We're currently in 'beta' so we'd appreciate your help in testing and improving the site.
We know this archive isn’t perfect at the moment. But we've got a team of experts to give us a hand - and you're one of them!
Over the past six months we’ve been scanning every page of Commercial Motor right back to 1905, nearly 400,000 pages of the magazine. We’ve then run an automatic text recognition process to 'suck' out the text and present that to the reader. This auto system isn’t perfect, of course, and it needs a bit of help.
As you go through the pages of the archive, if you spot any glitches or gremlins please hit the “Noticed an error?” button and report the issue. Please don’t expect an immediate change to the error - we’re going to gather all the issues together and prioritise them, fixing the most pressing ones first.
Also, you’ll notice there are a few issues of the magazine missing. These weren’t in the bound volumes and we can only assume no issue was published in those weeks for a variety of reasons. If you do have any of those missing issues – we’ll put a list out on Commercialmotor.com – please get in touch. We'll credit you for your help and there will be a prize or two on offer.
As we make the amends, we’ll also be improving the styling of the site as well, so you should see the site evolve as we go.
The Commercial Motor Archive is a mammoth project, but one we’re very excited about.
Thanks again for your help and for joining us on this journey.

Will Shiers
Commercial Motor