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18th April 1958
18th April 1958
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Page 1, 18th April 1958

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Be Ready for Next Winter

S COME readers of The Commercial Motor may think that now spring is with us it would be out of place to speak of snow. Almost...

Passing Comments

U.S.A. Checks on Defective Vehicles A MERICA is going ahead in a big way with the most extensive series of safety checks on...

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One Hears-

Of glass-fibre bus shelters with translucent roofs and coloured panels. That with such a famous name the Albion " Aberdonian "...

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Police Will Not Summon Farmers, say Hauliers

BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT LTHOUGH information of irregular opera:ons by pseudo-farmer hauliers, under C and so-called F...

B.R.S. Receive Drivers' Pay Claim

F OLLOWING the recommendation by the Road Haulage Wages Council of an increase of 5s. a week for adult road haulage workers in...

Hauliers Oppose B.R.S. Normal User

F OLLOWING the announcement by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, at a public inquiry on March 21, that he...

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Luton Wants Holiday Coaches : Appeal Fails

D EMANDS for holiday facilities from Luton are increasin g . This is one of the reasons why the Minister of Transport has...

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Men in the News MR. R. B. RIDDELL has succeeded

the late MR. WILLIAM DOBINSON as chairman of County Motors (Carlisle), Ltd. MR. D. S. RICHARDSON, formerly sales manager of...

State Loans for Small Bus Owners?

INTEREST-FREE loans by the Govern ment to enable small country bus operators to replace obsolete vehicles, and in particular to...

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Austins help to build London's longest water tunnel

A USTIN trucks are playing a great part in this enterprise. Kinnear Moodie & Co. Ltd. are the Civil Engineering Contractors...

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Strict User Applied to Extra "A" Lorry

T HE tendency to regard the declaration of normal user on an A licence as strict conditions similar . to those attached to B...

Union Protest to Minister on Bus Cuts

A DELEGATION from the Transport Pis and General Workers' Union, led by Mr. Arthur Townsend, national passenger group secretary,...

Entry into Removal Business Refused

IF upholsterers and cabinet makers were 1 granted B licences for furniture carrying, hauliers who specialized in this type of...


A CASH prize of £5 5s. and a trophy will be awarded to the winner in each class in the Manchester eliminating round of the...

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5s. Increase for Haulage Workers Recommended : Employers Resist

A FTER a meeting lasting from 11 a.m. until 7.30 p.m., the Road Haulage Wages Council decided by a majority vote last week to...

Ruling on Extra Picking-up Points

Q N appeal, James Smith and Co. (Wigan), Ltd., have been allowed to pick up and set down passengers at Carnforth on tours from...

Page 41

P.M.T. Lose 8- 4 'm. Passengers— THE Potteries Motor Traction Co., I

Ltd., last year carried 8inn. fewer passengers (a drop of nearly 7 per cent.) than in 1956, Mr. Raymond W. Birch, chairman and...

—And L.U.T. are Down

I N his report to the shareholders of Lancashire United Transport, Ltd., the chairman, Sir Joseph Nall, said public passenger...

Thomas Allen Deliver in Ulster

B ECAUSE of the time required to disconnect the semi-trailer from the tractor, and the source of danger in carrying a heavily...

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New Leyland Concern in Central Africa

I — I A NEW company, Leyland Albion NEW Africa), Ltd., has been formed with an issued share capital of E250,000 to control the...

New Traffic Schemes to Cost

R OAD and bridge reconstruction schemes, costing approximately Ellin. and due to be started in the near future, include new...

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Bonallack Enter Tanker Field

TANKERS with aluminium, mild-steel or stainless-steel bodywork are now being made by Bonallack and Sons, Ltd., Basildon,...

Big Operators to Run to Atomic Plant

IN a reserved decision, the North I Western Traffic Commissioners have granted licences for express services to the Atomic...

Elastic on Brakes : Hauliers Fined

E LASTIC bands were stated to have been fitted to the rear brakes of a vehicle belonging to James Berry, haulier. The Common,...

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Comm . er £350,000 Orders from Holland

I N the face of strong competition from British and Continental manufacturers, the Rootes Group has secured orders worth more...

Public Should Give Stage Operators Private Hire, Says Mr. Hanlon

T HE Traffic Commissioners could not protect licensed operators from those who ran contract carriages with part-time drivers,...

Page 45

More Journeys and Destinations on Excursions PPLICATIONS by Messrs. E.

J. Rostock and1-1 Sons, Congleton, to ,revise fares, Increase their vehicle allowance, and run extra excursions were granted by...


Leyland Agents: Central Foundry, Ltd., Bridgetown, Barbados, have been appointed sole agents in Barbados for the Leyland...

First Historic Vehicle Club Rally

T HE fi rst rally of the Historic Commercial Vehicle Club has been fixed for May 31-June 1 at the works of Leyland Motors,...

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New Models Mark Land-Rover's 10th Anniversary

C OINCIDING with the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the Land-Rover, the Rover Co., Ltd., on Wednesday announced the...

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New High-capacity Car Transporter

A HIGH-CAPACITY car transporter PA has just been built by Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., London, N.12, to the special order of...

Kenex Offer 12-seat Bus

A VAILABLE on the Austin 152. Morris J2 and Thames 15-cwt. chassis, the Kenecoaeh, the latest conversion offered by Kenex...

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Posthumous Portrait

I N 10 years there will be few employees of London Transport who have ever talked to Mr. Frank Pick, who, with Lord Ashfield,...

How London Peak-hour Traffic Fluctuated

F IGTJRES revealing fluctuations in traffic peaks are contained in "Crush Hour Travel in Central London," published last week...

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First Reliant Four-Wheeler

F IRST of a batch of 30 Regent fourwheeled 10-cwt. chassis built by The Reliant Engineering Co. (Tamworth), Ltd., Tamworth,...

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Sintered-metal Clutches

I NTENDED particularly for tractors, cranes, excavators, • earth moving machinery and similar equipment, sintered metal and...

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How Many Miles in a Day ?

IN a recent case before a Traffic Court, it was submitted I that on occasion a haulier had collected produce in Hull at 6.30...

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The Future? Work in Britain, America and Germany Reviewed: Cost and Complication Too Great H1GH. . cost and mechanical...

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Effective Goods Handling Needs Overall Control

Mr. E. G. Whitaker Urges Closer Co-ordination Between Suppliers, Production Engineers, Transp6rt Operators and Consignees " IT...

Insurance Engineers Can Tell

W HEN an insurance engineer visited a transport undertaking, he could usually tell after a short time whether his company would...

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Vanishing Fares

E VEN the Government's Economic Survey, a publication dedicated to the portrayal of the bright side of things, has to admit a...

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Part-Loads CAN Pay

if Hauliers Carry More Small Consignments Because of New Railway Charges, Rates Must be Appropriate to the Traffic. Intensive...

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Mobile Transformer-oil Filtration Outfit

DASED on an Austin oil-engined longLI wheelbase chassis, a mobile transformer-oil filter unit has been supplied to C. C....

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An Epicyclic Overdrive

NTENDED mostly for heavy vehicles. I an overdrive mechanism is shown in patent No. 791,358. It has cpicyclic gears and, being...