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28th September 1951
28th September 1951
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Page 1, 28th September 1951

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Selling Our "Scrap" Abroad

The Export Have Our Not Those T HE normal procedure in establishing and .•• a good and increasing export market is .to supply...

Page 26

Haul Together

O UR industry is soon to be afforded an opportunity of expressing its feelings concerning nationalization—and, of course, other...

Passing Comments

They Must Make up Their Minds E XAMPLES of the way in which public authorities compete with each other because of an absence...

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One Hears

That both our experts and exports must rise and shine. "Is the B.R.S. motto The longest way - round is the shortest way home '...

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Denationalization After October 25?

M.P.T.A. Conference Postponed : Hauliers Willing to Return : Propaganda and Law HOPES of the denationalization of road haulage...

Ministry Gives Elm. Order to Leyland

T HE Ministry of Supply has placed a £7m. order with Leyland Motors, Ltd., for the supply of heavy - duty vehicles of various...

Page 29

9,000 Lorries for Coal Haulage ?

Free Hauliers Likely to Have Big Share in Transport of 440,000 Tons a Week H EAVY demands upon road transport will be made this...

A.B.C.C. to Meet Lord Hurcomb

N Tuesday the Association of British Chambers of Commerce is to meet Lord Hurcomb, chairman of the British Transport...

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Ironmongers Attack State Transport

N OT only had road transport services deteriorated under nationalization, but it seemed that no one had any authority to take...

Men in the News

MR. LEWIS Ovvair. has become a director of Clifford Motor Components, Ltd. MAJOR F. J. CHAPPLE is to succeed SIR JOSEPH Nat'....

Persia Courts Transport Trouble

• By L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. DERSIA, in taking over control of ..1 the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company's • road transport...

Page 31

Upward Trend in Fares

Manchester, Liverpool and Scottish Cities Involved in Renewed Applications R ARID decisions are now following the hearings of...

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Was the Driver the Customer's Agent ?

A CASE concerning the use of a C-hiring allowance came before Norwich police court, last week, when Pointer's Transport, Ltd.,...


A T Ross magistrates court, last week, Ernest Percival Dicks, 34 Chessington Avenue, Bristol, was fined £1 for driving his van...


Tube Investments, Ltd., is acquiring the New Conveyor Co., Ltd., Smethwick. A sum of £207.000 is to be spent by...

Yorkshire Users' Committee

F ORMAL appointment of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the Yorkshire area has been announced by the Minister of...

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Public Offers E10m. to Perkins

WHEN F. Perkins, Ltd., was conVV verted from a private to a public company in July of this year, the public was offered El 4m....

Output Up: Small Drop in Exports

O UTPUT rose by an average of 303 commercial vehicles a week during July, as compared with June. The number and value of...

Labour Party Calls for Oxford Scheme

" CITIZENS of, and visitors to, Oxford are victims of an ill managed, inadequate and entirely unreliable public transport...

Page 34

State Companies Win: Appeal Coining

A FTER having refused Blair and f. Palmer, Ltd.. permission to operate a• Carlisle-London express service, the Scottish...

Edinburgh to Abandon Trams ?

T HE first stage in a plan to convert Edinburgh's tramways to motorbus operation was discussed at last week's meeting of...

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A Heating Unit with No Moving Parts

An Automatically Controlled Self-contained Vehicle-heating Device that Gives 20,000 B.Th.t.l.s for Every 1.23 Pints of Fuel...

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New Vans for the Food Trade

TW 0 interesting specialized bodies on Austin chassis have recently been built by Wilsdon and Co., Ltd., Solihull, for the food...

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A Sop to Cerberus

Political Commentary By JANUS L IKE an exploding star that scatters its particles in every direction and goes out in a .blaze...

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IGN TIME FOR EW IDEAS Present Price Trends are Forcing Tradesmen to Seek a Light Delivery Van Which, Like the Heaviest...

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Are Hand Brakes Efficient?

I READ with interest the leader, "Hand Brake Efficiency," in your issue dated August 31, as one of our associated companies was...

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Good Design is Sound Economics

First International Congress on Design Emphasizes that Higher Management Must Inspire Improvements A NY great public service...

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but undismayed Road Transport in Australia Gives Industry Unrivalled Service, Despite Heavy Taxation and Restrictive Measures...

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Parts Ordered by Pneumatic Tube: Delivered by Cycle

nNE of the most up-to-date and well's--/ equipped repair shops, stores and showrooms for Bedford and Vauxhall vehicles and...

Maintaining 800 Buses

/f EMBERS of the London Centre of 11'1 the Institute of Road Transport Engineers last week visited the chief maintenance depot...

Tyresoles National Conference

1 70-DAY will mark an important stage in the progress of Tyresoles, Ltd., when a new 15-year agreement, concluded between...

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AN Tyre Handling

Made Easy By P. G. TUCKER Describing the Application of a N umber of Tyre Manipulating Devices Which Turn an Irksome Job into...

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Loading Semi-trailers onto Rail Wagons

F URTHER improvements in road-rail integration methods are envisaged by the Ulster Transport Authority in a new system of...

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RH/D/20 Under• Comparison

‘-.The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert Draws up his own Charges Schedule to Correspond with the Official Publication and...

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A Bosch Injection-pump Governor

T HE latest suggestions in the design of injection-pump governors are shown in patent No. 656,049 (Robert Bosch G.m.b.h.,...