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Was The Driver The Customer's Agent ?
A CASE concerning the use of a C-hiring allowance came before Norwich police court, last week, when Pointer's Transport, Ltd., was charged with a breach of the conditions of its......
Should Defendant Pay Witness's Costs?
A T Ross magistrates court, last week, Ernest Percival Dicks, 34 Chessington Avenue, Bristol, was fined £1 for driving his van without 'due care and attention. John F. Dune, a......
In A Line Or Two
Tube Investments, Ltd., is acquiring the New Conveyor Co., Ltd., Smethwick. A sum of £207.000 is to be spent by Newcastle-on-Tyne Transport Committee on a new bus depot in......
Yorkshire Users' Committee
F ORMAL appointment of the Transport Users' Consultative Committee for the Yorkshire area has been announced by the Minister of Transport. The chairman is Prof. A. N. Shimmin,......