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25th May 1962
25th May 1962
Page 1
Page 1, 25th May 1962

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Brass Tack Talk

T HE Minister of Transport, Mr. Marples, got down to quite a few brass tacks in his address at last week's Road Haulage...

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Personality of the Week

Thom illiam Jackson U NLIKE that other prosperous Yorkshire city, Sheffield Kingston upon Hull is not reported as nurturing...

Not What They Seem

T WAS reminded recently of the old adage which warns that I things indeed are not always what they would appear to be. This was...

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Strike Threat by B.E.T.

Blackcoats? FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A T last the long-drawn-out series of talks on higher pay and better condi...

T.R.T.A. Concern al European Rules

I N a statement issued last Monday th international committee of the Trader Road Transport Association expresse concern that...

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Devonshire Haulier Becomes BMA. Chairman

T HE national council of the Road Haulage Association has elected Mr. D. 0. Good as national chairman for the next 12 months....

Tories Press for R oral Bus Decision

From Our Political Correspondent T EN Conservative M.P.s went to the Transport Ministry last week to quiz Mr. Marples about...

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Men in the News

Mr. G. Brook, g eneral manager of the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., since 1952, has been appointed g eneral mana g er of...

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P.S.V. Licence Goes Up to £8 10s.

THE licence fee for a public service vehicle is to be increased from £6 to 1 £8 10s. from next Wednesday, May 30. Announcing...

"Road Board" Defeat

A N attempt to set up a national board for road transport failed in the Lords this week, when amendments to the Transport Bill...

Farmer's Appeal Allowed

A N appeal by an Ulverston (Lancashire) farmer against the refusal of the Northern Licensing Authority to vary his B licence by...

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What is "Loading Time" ?

A SHORT but important point in relation to haulage law has been recently decided by the High Court in Funnel! v. Johnson....

Four Davis Appeals on Records Allowed

A N appeal by Davis Brothers 1– ls (Hauliers), Ltd., of Solebey Street, London, E.3, against 12 summonses for failing to keep...

Tribunal Accepts Steel Agreement

A N appeal by a Consett (Co. Durham) haulier against the refusal of the Northern Licensing Authority to issue an A licence for...

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Ten New Midland Red Services

A CONTINUING serious shortage of PA staff, with resulting cost increases in the form of overtime and other penalty payments,...

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Shell Use Collapsible Tanks

TIHE Shell Chemical Co., Ltd., have recently started to use collapsible tanks (in conjunction with mobile equipment for pumping...

Limited Licence for Air Company

A N application by Airborne Aviation Services (Gatwick), Ltd., for a licence to operate three vehicles, each with a built-in...

Agreement in Irish Bus Dispute

A E has been reached m PA the Irish bus dispute which threatened to bring the entire Irish transport system to a halt. This...

I.R.T.E. Chairmen for 1 96 2-6 3

A PPOINTED chairmen of centres and I - 1 groups of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers for 1962-63 are:— Eastern Centre:...

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Mobile Power for Tree Lopping

LI OST bus operators include a treelopping vehicle in their auxiliary eels. Usually it is simply a cut-down armer double-decker...

New Atlas Depot

(IN Wednesday of this week, Atlas Express Co., Ltd., officially occupied their new parcels depot' in .Rutherglen Road,...

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Labour "Deserting" Re-nationalization

Socialists now favour "integration"; Liberals want licensing freedom, too FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT H AULIERS...

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Four Crane Fruehauf Models Rev ealed

HE firSt four designs to be produced by Crane Fruehauf Trailers, Ltd., are shown on Tuesday to invited guests the official...

Quite Alarming

E.HICLE alarm devices and security systems were prominent among items tayed at the Crime, Accident and Fire ention Exhibition...

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These Papers Got Them Talking!

D ISCUSSION on the two papers at last week's Conference of the Public - Transport Association at Harrogate was lively. The...

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By A. A. TOWNSIN, A.M.I.Mech.E. T HE public's viewpoint on buses can be divided into two parts. The first might be called...

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This is the second in a series of articles on this topic scheduled ication in "The Commercial Motor ". L AST week I covered...

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Time to Abolish Restrictions

r ROM your report of his article in Crossbow, Richard Yorke would appear to reflect that class of bureaucrats who constantly...

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3 AST AND PRESENT d EMBERS of the Road Haulage Association would

have been excused for feeling nostalgic at their annual luncheon last week. Those of them who - ve on the national council had...

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A LTHOUGH the use of automatic transmissions on medium-sized and large

cars is becoming more common in this country (in the U.S. cars with manual gearboxes are the exception rather than the rule),...

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How to Beat the Peak

T WO lines of thought on peak traffic problems were apparent at the annual conference of the Institute of Traffic...

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Variable Width for Caravans

I -1 A SEMI-TRAILER designed as a caravan transporter has recently been built by Carrirnore Six Wheelers, Ltd., for IIexhill...

Perkins Reorganize

A NNOUNCING new appointments in his top management team recently. Mr. M. Prichard, managing director of the Perkins Group,...

Management Ch anges at Edbro

T HE day-to-day running of the Bromilow and Edwards group of companies will in future be vested in the board of Edbro-B. and E....

Leyland Integration . . .

T HE Leyland Motors Group have begun operating a new Special Products Division which is to integrate all the functions of the...

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Motorways Can Be Used For Towing

TRADERS Road Transport Associa tion have established with the Ministry of Transport that broken-down vehicles may be towed on...

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Simplifying Fleet Recording

Whilst recording the operation of individual vehicles is the recommended basis for costing, there is also the need for simple...

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Swedish Torque Meter

CAPACITY range of the Bahco 811 torque meter, which is now available in the U.K. through Bahco-Condrup, Ltd., Bahco House,...