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7th December 1951
7th December 1951
Page 1
Page 1, 7th December 1951

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The Operator's Responsibility for Health A CUTE shortage of staff in

road passenger transport makes the full employment of every person of the greatest importance. Unexpected absence may cause...

Passing Comments

The Good Old Days Q PPRESSED as it is to-day, the road transport industry does not bear the obligation imposed on "common...

Page 29

One Hears—

Up wages, up prices; up wages, up prices—ad intiniturn. "Long live the bus—but not long enough to become an old crock." That...

Page 30

Union Fights Denationalization : Ex-hauliers Band Together

nPPOS11-10N by workers to the denationalization of road haulage is beginning to find expression. The executive of the Transport...

Established Haulier has Prior Claim Over R.H.E.

I : AM treating the Road. Haulage Executive in this matter as just another haulier. I am not concerned with questions of loss...

Page 31

B.T.C. Fares Scheme Hearing Ends

A FTER 34 days, the Transport • Tribunal, in London, on Monday, concluded the hearing of the British Transport Commission's...

Branch Closings to Save £800,000 a Year

W HETHER the railways had been operated by the British Transport Commission or by their previous directors, this process of...

Page 32

Stress Peening for Longer Spring Life

S TRESS peening. a development of shot peening, is now being used to lengthen the life of springs by increasing their...

Men in the News

MR. C. S. LE. CLAIR, a director of Tecalemit, Ltd., has resigned from the board and relinquished his executive appointment with...


A LL movements of meat of I ton and upwards, whether on account of the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., or on private...

NO1 TO BE SHUT OUT " VVE do not feel

it is right that the VV Northern General Transport Co,,Ltd., should be shut out of •the estate when they have operated the...


A JOINT application by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.. W. C. Standerwick, Ltd., and Scout Motor Services, Ltd.. to run a new...

MINERS' SERVICES REFUSED I F road competition increased, eight railway

stations between Lanark and Muirkirk, Ayrshire, might have to be abandoned. A representative of the Railway Executive made this...


M ANY two-axled lorries in South Africa may have to be taken off the roads or run with only threequarter loads when the Uniform...

No Stigma on Clearing Houses

MOTH1NG derogatory attaches to a 1 1 1 clearing house, nor is there anything in the Road and Rail Traffic. Act that stigmatizes...


WE regret to announce the death of VY MR. J. A. Ross, joint managing director of the Ransome and Mantes Bearing Co., Ltd.

Page 33

L T.E.'s New Scheme for Grays Area

L'OLLOWING the transfer to the London Transport Executive on September 30 of certain services operated in the Grays and Tilbury...


A STATEMENT that open-cast coal output was being hampered because of transport shortages was made to the Northern Licensing...


TRANSPORT ECONOMY" IF there were to be economy and [efficiency in transport, the alternative to State ownership must be some...


W HEN Mr. L. Stoves, South Shields, applied to the Northern Licensing Authority recently for a B licence to carry tradesmen's...

Fewer U.K. Exhibits at Brussels

A CCORDING to an official list of exhibitors at the Brussels Motor Show, which is to be held from January 13-19, there will be...


A PLANNING scheme by which it is hoped to solve the city's trafficcongestion problem has been approved by Liverpool Post-war...

MEAT HAULIERS' RATES REVISED IT is understood that meat hauliers.

in 1 Sheffield have obtained revised rates and conditions of operation, subject to conffintation by the Minister of Food, which...

Page 34

Scottish Group Applies: West

Hartlepool's First Since 1914 H AVING been successful in obtaining a general increase in fares a year ago, the members of the...

Excursion Appeal Dismissed

f N a decision concerning an appeal against the North-western Licensing Authority's refusal to grant a licence for a group of...


F INES were imposed on a bus driver and two conductors at Penge, last week, for boarding a bus at a stopping place before other...


A N application by the Bristol Tram ways and Carriage Co., Ltd., to run a new bus service from Lawrence Weston to...

Page 41

Progress of I.R.T.E. Acclaimed

O VER 300 members and guests li/attended the annual dinner-dance of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, in London. last...


A N oil-sump guard made from heavy-gauge corrugated steel is an accessory for Big Bedford vehicles which has recently been...


T o give better connections for services to Glasgow, the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., is to re-time its...

Application by Re-entrant Opposed

s x private hauliers and the Road Haulage and Railway Executives last week opposed an application to the Northern Licensing...

COMET 90 RANGE INTRODUCTIONS TO simplify planning of the assembly

I. programme, two distinct tractor and tipping models will be built by Leyland Motors, Ltd., in the Comet 90 range. At present,...

TRIBUTE TO BRIGHTON TRANSPORT " VOUR transport undertaking here I

provides a public service which is at least as good as any other seaside resort in the country, and in these days of rising...


T HE purchase of 60 double-deck and 20 single-deck maximum-dimension buses has been sanctioned by Edinburgh Civic Amenities...

HENRY SPURRIER LECTURE THE seventh Henry Spurrier memo' rial lecture

to. the Institute of Transport will be given by Mr. C.' T. Brunner, director and general , manager of Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.,...


A WAR-DAMAGED cinema in Mile rA End Road, South Shields, may be bought by South Shields Town Council for a proposed bus...

Page 42

Future Cleansing Methods May Not Need Transport

T HE time may come when transport will not be required for refuse disposal. ibis observation was made by Mr. C. N. Graddon,...

Record Dennis Exports

IN the year ended September 30, lexports of vehicles by Dennis Bros., Ltd., reached a record volume. Sir Geoffrey Burton,...

Page 43

WHAT SICKNESS MEAN to Road Transport

A National Survey Shows that (1) the Average Rate of Sickness is 5.41 Per Cent., (2) Colds and Influenza are the Most Common...

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GROUPING I N some people's minds, grouping and interworking are comparatively new, iatended to combat the difficulties which ....

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Service School

S TRIPPING and rebuilding engines, transmission and suspension systems 'according to a strict schedule form the basis of the...

Students Train

vision. In the final test a pupil is required to strip and rebuild a unit in a much shorter time than is normally allowed in...

"On the Job"

course, and is intended for distributors and dealers wishing to specialize in a particular subject. A "general" course of a...

Page 48

Experience Tells in the• Regal Mk. IV

W HEN I saw the prototype A.E.C. underfloorengined coach at Southall in 1939, before it waF sent to Canada, I little realized...

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Sprung Eye Reduces Spring Breakages

I ii generally conceded that the I weakest point of a laminated spring is the eye, and spring designers have given careful...

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Transport Man

A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so ntany, I had not thought death had undone so many. 0 CCUPYING an honoured niche...

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Tractors Take the Stage at Smithfield

F OR the second year in succession vehicle manufacturers are not represented at the Smithfield Show, which opened at Earls...

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Antars in the Desert

IP to August of this year, 35 Thorny5 .-- 0 croft Antars had covered a total of 532,000 miles on pipe-line transport and other...

Teleprinters to Save £1,000 a Week

TIL E Road Haulage Executive hopes save over £1,000 per week in communication costs when its tele printer network is complete....

Page 63

Which Gear for Starting?

I HAD no intention of re-entering the controversy con cerning the use of first or second gear for starting, but, on reading...

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What They Should Charge

Aii y article in last week's issue resulted in my ieceiving many letters on the various ways of assessing charges . for...

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An Independent Suspension System

A SUSPENSION system , li g ht in ,r1 weight and simple to manufacture, forms the subject of patent No. 658,387 (Ford Motor Co.,...