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Stress Peening For Longer Spring Life
S TRESS peening. a development of shot peening, is now being used to lengthen the life of springs by increasing their resistance to fatigue. It was described by Mr. J. A.......
Men In The News
MR. C. S. LE. CLAIR, a director of Tecalemit, Ltd., has resigned from the board and relinquished his executive appointment with the company. MR. P. W. DARNELL has left his post......
Meat Rates Up
A LL movements of meat of I ton and upwards, whether on account of the Meat Transport Organization, Ltd., or on private account, are subject to new rates agreed upon by the......
No1 To Be Shut Out " Vve Do Not Feel
it is right that the VV Northern General Transport Co,,Ltd., should be shut out of •the estate when they have operated the adjoining route for many years." The Northern......
New Keswick-london Service?
A JOINT application by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.. W. C. Standerwick, Ltd., and Scout Motor Services, Ltd.. to run a new service between Keswick and London, with extra......
Miners' Services Refused I F Road Competition Increased,...
stations between Lanark and Muirkirk, Ayrshire, might have to be abandoned. A representative of the Railway Executive made this statement to the Scottish Licensing Authority......
New Regulations In S.a.
M ANY two-axled lorries in South Africa may have to be taken off the roads or run with only threequarter loads when the Uniform Motor Vehicle Ordinance is adopted. Under this......
No Stigma On Clearing Houses
MOTH1NG derogatory attaches to a 1 1 1 clearing house, nor is there anything in the Road and Rail Traffic. Act that stigmatizes a clearing house as being undesirable. These......
WE regret to announce the death of VY MR. J. A. Ross, joint managing director of the Ransome and Mantes Bearing Co., Ltd.......