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29th December 1979
29th December 1979
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Page 1, 29th December 1979

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)ositive thinking

iE END OF A YEAR is not a bad time to take stock; but the end of a decade probably even more appropriate. During the Seventies...

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laulier gets £75,000

ill many more? SURREY haulier has been sent a £75,000 bill for alleged nage to a road, and the County Council has the backing...

Tack) regs passed with malority of 83

THE GOVERNMENT'S Tachograph Regulations were approved by a 108-25 majority when the measure was discussed in the House of...

Hour book

THE DEPARTMENT of Transport has produced a new guide to goods vehicles drivers' hours. Available for £2 net from Her Majesty's...

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Transport 2000 says 'no' to heavier lorries

TRANSPORT 2000 claims that heavier lorries will increase our nergy consumption and become less efficient, contradicting...

now cut

HE GOVERNMENT does not tpect cuts in local authority )ending to have an effect on le clearance of roads during were weather....

Worried Lancs

LANCASHIRE County Cott cil has told the Governinel that heavier lorries will eau greater environmental pr blems. It complains...

TILB's depot

TIBBETT AND BRITTEN opening a new internation, depot at Enfield on January which, it is claimed, will sat at least two days on...

Cheshire wants bans

CHESHIRE County Council wants to ban heavy lorries from many country roads in South Cheshire. The original proposals put...

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ow with 'obnoxious' onager nets £1093

RIVER who was sacked after a row with an "exceedingly oxious" supermarket manager has been awarded £1,093.50 pensation for...

Ro-ro is on the up ...and up

RO-RO freight traffic using UK-Continental ferries has grown dramatically this year. The number of vehicles, in cluding...

olvo is to oil

OLVO is joining a multitional venture to develop ergy resources in third rld countries. Under the control of the wly-created...

Our NC masterminds

SEEN HERE receiving a gallon of whisky each are Tom Bonnes (left) and Tom Graham (right). Making the presentation is Bill...

CM goes Dutch join us

COMMERCIAL MOTOR is tc sponsor a visit to the Amsterdam Show from February 6 tc 9 at a cost of E95. Full detail and a booking...

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ot competent with he, so why four?

ORKSHIRE Licensing Authority Maj Gen V. H. J. Carpenter refused an operator's application to extend his 0-licence m one to four...


M ways at three ALTHOUGH the traffic ex, pected to be using M25 in tin late 1990s calls for more thar dual three-lane...

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Haulier criticised on sleep and drive man CRITICISM was fired at a haulier last Industrial Tribunal rejected a driver's for...

Scots must conform

LN ATTEMPT to exempt ;cottish drivers from the rigors of EEC regulations on riving hours has been ejected by the European...

More loin parks pia

A PLEA for more lorry parks was made at a meeting oi Lancashire County Council when Councillor Len Proos claimed that police...


THE WELSH OFFICE inviting tenders fo strengthening the Chepsto river bridge. Carrying the A48 over th River Wye at Chepstow,...

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Fi_ 1 22rr Law ;ermans turn their

lacks on the roads PID GROWTH of the "piggy bank" transport system is ecast in West Germany where Government policy is to itch...


GOODYEAR Tyre and Rubber Company has promoted Bob Tinsley to the position of production manager at the company's main factory...

:heating the tacho?

1E POSSIBILITY of a driver keeping two tachograph discs, .d claiming that another driver had just left the cab on the mpletion...

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1101V1 is on the way rut not for a time

oivo has no immediate ans to import B1OM air Tung coaches to Britain, and e B58 will remain in producm in right-hand drive form...

Shutter for the LN2

KYSOR radiator shutters are being offered as original equip. ment on Leyland National 2 single-deckers. Used in conjunction...

Dennis to build mon

HESTAIR-DENNIS plans tc extend its Dominator bus chassis production line tc build 400 a year from 1980. While it accepts that...


THE DUNSTABLE-based Tricentrol Travel Group has taken over another coach company in the East Midlands as part of a planned...

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On tours

TOWNSEND THORESE1 Holidays is to launch a majol programme of courier escorted Continental coacl tours in 1980. A programme of...

Imports up .... LV UI SALES of British buses and

coaches dropped last month, a importers increased their penetration, according to the Sock of Motor Manufacturers and Traders....

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ALB Electric Stonefie d

THE LEICESTER Transmission Division of the Central Electricity Generating Board has taken delivery of two Stonefield 4 x 4,2800...

wiechpoint Transit

SPECIALLY equipped serice vehicle to provide 24 ours, seven days-a-week, padside emergency repairs )r Ford commercials perating...

Tyre care

A RECENT check of nearly 300 wheels by Dunlop engineers revealed that nine per cent had their pressures up to 10 per cent...

Neill tools handbook

NEILL TOOLS has produced a User's Handbook with 272 pages of technical information for students, apprentices, engineers and...

BL into Rhodesia

BRITISH LEYLAND is taking steps to re-open its assembly plant in Southern Rhodesia following the lifting of sanedons....

Bad leaks

FUEL leaks are the most common cause of energy loss in lorry operation, says the Freight Transport Association. A survey of...

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honnel crossings stepped up.

ut what's in it for hauliers? NEXT YEAR there will be we ferries with more freight pacity and more competiion on the English...

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Man of the people

VICTOR PAIGE'S modestly titled lecture, "It's all, about people," was one of the most stimulating I have ever heard at the...

The price of old age

NHO COULD FAIL to be wor'led by some of the statistics luoted by Victor Paige? For inaance, in 20 years , time the vorld...

Both in hot water

BETWEEN you and me, BP and Volvo are in hot water. The oil company is to pipe water at 150°C from its refinery at Gothenburg to...

Union's Press gang

LARRY SMITH, Transport and General Workers' Union 'executive officer, is the epitome of restraint, even when moved to anger by...

Noisy little devils

IN AMERICA even the environment can damage your health. According to Dallas health authorities, cicadas, which perch up trees...

Home of the brave?

ALTHOUGH outnumbered two to one, two National Carriers men chased intruders off the company's premises and foiled thefts. Brian...

Running on pure fat

ACCORDING to the US Jo' r a. of Public Health, if all obesE Americans slimmed to theii proper weights the country would save...

Occupation hazard

"I AM a retired pharmacist an have to take about 10 differen kinds of drugs daily," passenger writes to Fare, th staff...

Page 31

;o no more i-roving

HEN HE LEFT the Royal Naval )llege at Dartmouth and beme a submariner, Hugh lompsort could have had no aa that at the age of 47...

.eylancrs inthem

-IE JAPANESE cult of the impany anthem seems to proote loyalty in workers so why A try it here? BL, with its link ith Honda,...

k case of kis mania

iERE IS a man in the West idlands who is as addicted to ises as any junky was ever 'eked on heroin. He believes has ridden on...

Leopards in name?

SPONSORSHIP is one of Britain's few growth industries and the more unlikely the link, it seems, the better. For instance, a...

At the double

IT MAY seem odd that the F Ld Transport Industry Training Board should have chosen the Midlands for a concentrated campaign to...


IF, after a tachograph has been fitted, a driver reduces tyre wear and maintenance costs and improves fuel consumption, is he...

Abandon hope ye who wait

"THE BAD MANNERS and fou language"' of angry passengers trying to board London buses that are already full, or strug• gling for...

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Book Reviews

Edited by John Durant urvival class IANAGING the Survival of mailer Companies, by A. C. azel and A. S. Reid, is ublished by...

AL. Hazel and &S. Red

MANAGING THE SURVIVAL OF SMALLER COMPANIES Since this book was first ublished in 1973, the proems facing small businesses we...

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RAPID Cal flANY GROUT II-how to plan and manage small

company expansion .1.C. Ilazel end. 1.S Rcid you understand the consequences? The book is largely an easy read, and ends up...

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Over and out, citizen SO THE Home Office through Minister of State Timothy Raison have once again put the block on CB radio....

Not backing Leyland

D. MALLINSON'S letter on the T45 (CM December 8) finished with his asking when we are going to get an "I'm backing Leyland...

Cautionary tale

I REFER to the photograph of a welder in full flight in Commercial Motor, November 10. No good workshop manager would allow a...

Help please

I AM researching material for a book on "Zest and the Art of Management," which will deal with the indefinable quality that...

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Why not put your livery in the limelightl

GENERAL HAULAGE is not an aasy service to sell and few ,mall or medium-sized fleet operators employ a sales force. The...

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The lifeblood of your business

The end of a year is often a time of taking stock, and these 4 suggestions from a director of Williams & Glyn 's Bank may help...