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29th December 1979, Page 30
29th December 1979
Page 30
Page 30, 29th December 1979

Man Of The People

VICTOR PAIGE'S modestly titled lecture, "It's all, about people," was one of the most stimulating I have ever heard at the Chartered Institute of Transport. It deserved a far......

The Price Of Old Age

NHO COULD FAIL to be wor'led by some of the statistics luoted by Victor Paige? For inaance, in 20 years , time the vorld population aged over 60 vill have risen to . 600m and......

Both In Hot Water

BETWEEN you and me, BP and Volvo are in hot water. The oil company is to pipe water at 150°C from its refinery at Gothenburg to the nearby Volvo factory, where the bill for......

Union's Press Gang

LARRY SMITH, Transport and General Workers' Union 'executive officer, is the epitome of restraint, even when moved to anger by the Press. "Subservient as they are to the......

Noisy Little Devils

IN AMERICA even the environment can damage your health. According to Dallas health authorities, cicadas, which perch up trees and, I am told, make a noise like tons of glass......

Home Of The Brave?

ALTHOUGH outnumbered two to one, two National Carriers men chased intruders off the company's premises and foiled thefts. Brian Hayward, managing director, has rewarded their......

Running On Pure Fat

ACCORDING to the US Jo' r a. of Public Health, if all obesE Americans slimmed to theii proper weights the country would save the energy equivalent of 1300 billion gallons ol......

Occupation Hazard

"I AM a retired pharmacist an have to take about 10 differen kinds of drugs daily," passenger writes to Fare, th staff newspaper of the Wes Midlands Passenger Transpor......