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28th November 1947
28th November 1947
Page 1
Page 1, 28th November 1947

Page 23

New Regulations on Vehicle Lighting ?

A SURVEY has been Important Ministry Moves Which made by a Committee of the Department of may Affect L,amp Equipment Scientific...

Page 24

Municipal Taxicabs Mooted

A GRAVE danger to the taxicab industry may quite conceivably lie in certain proposals formulated by the Corporation of...

Passing Comments

NewAmerican Method THE U.S. National Bureau ef Plating Without of Standards has developed Electricity . . . . a new method of...

Page 25

One Hears

Of a claim that plastic bonding of brake facing and shoe almost doubles the life. That this has been tried out on a Detroit...

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News of the Week

WILL "BASIC" LOSS AFFECT PRODUCTION? DDRESS1NG the Motor Trades' I - 1 Luncheon Club in Manchester recently, the director of...

New Lighting Regulations Coming?

nAZZLE and the behaviour of drivers regarding the dipping of head lamps have been surveyed by the Committee on Vehicles, Road...

Page 27


A STRONG protest against certain of 1 - 1 the tariff arrangements made at Geneva has been issued by the Society of Motor...

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Personal Pars

COL, STANLEY BELL has been elected a director of Oldham and Son, Ltd. MR. M. MICHAELS has been appointed representative for...


A NEW small grinder having many applications is now being supplied by E. H, Jones (Machine Tools), Ltd., Edgware Road, The...


C AUSE lists issued on Tuesday by the Appeal Tribunal notify 12 appeals to be heard at Halifax House, Strand London, W.C.2:—...

Page 29

SEPTEMBER REGISTRATIONS JUMP FORWARD QEPTEMBER'S new registrations, Onumbering 20,069, showed

a marked increase on those of August, totalling 13,984. This year's monthly average is 16,460. As the following table shows....

Page 30

Glicence Vehicles Run Illegally C ENSURE has been passed by the

Appeal Tribunal on R. Forshaw and Co., Ltd., for illegally using two C-licence vehicles for hire or reward. This misdemeanour...

Technical Brains Trust Under Fire

QECOND meeting of the session' of .-the Scottish centre of the Institute of Road Transport •Engineers took • the form of a...

Page 31

Coach Fares:. ThreePower" Inquiry I into the application of the Central

Fares - Committee for an increase of 33i per cent, above the prewar minimum fares on express services to and from London was...


A NUMBER of changes on the boards of compan:es associated with the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., of which Mr. J. S....

Page 32


I N a letter to the Minister of Fuel and Power, setting out the difficulties which have faced the car-hire business since 1939,...

Bus Diversion

Plan Defeated WHEN a proposal to divert the route IT of certain non-municipal motorbus services was successfully opposed at a...

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Light Alloy Bodies Can "Take It" !

B EFORE the war it was often difficult to persuade operators of goods vehicles of the benefits to be gained by the use of...

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Loading by Hydraulic Platform

S AVING of labour and a reduction in the possibility of damage are the objects of a hydraulic lifting device which is being...

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Sixty Tons on Pneumatics

T HE highest-capacity load-carrying trailer so far constructed on pneumatic tyres by The Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Warwick,...

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A NYONE seeking to put to the proof the value of road transport for flexible, speedy and economical distribution of vital...

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A New Trailer to Carry Tractors D ESIGNED for rapid loading

IA nd L./long-distance conveyance of the larger types of crawler tractor, a new model of 5-ton six-wheeled trailer has been...

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How Long Do Tyres Live?

S O m a ny factors and fluctuations enter 'into the life of commercial vehicle tyres that anything in the way of an average...

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Electric Trucks Charged by Mobile Plant

Two Special Dyson Trailers for Use at Mersey Docks T HE trapsportable type of dynamo and charging station is usually mounted...

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With Nationalization Ahead )

Eyes are Turning to PRIVATE HIRE SOLVING THE PROBLEMS OF THE CARI6ER HAVE just received a letter from a large coach operator....

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A System for Correcting Brakes

O N a four-wheel-braked vehicle the optimum braking force is a function of the wheel loads, and although efforts have been made...