New Lighting Regulations Coming?
Page 26
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nAZZLE and the behaviour of drivers
regarding the dipping of head lamps have been surveyed by the Committee on Vehicles, Road Research Board, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Whilst the report has not yet been published, we understand that the Committee has arrived at the conclusion that non-dipping, at least in the main roads around London, is responsible for only a small amount of the dazzle experienced, much of it being caused by dipped head lamps and pass lamps which should not dazzle, but do so. It concludes that the pass lamp mounted low is particularly open to criticism. The Ministry of Transport is to undertake propaganda concerning most of the conclusions, but certain of them may be implemented by regulations.
These are:—(a) That head lamps and pass lamps should be mounted with their centres not higher than 3 ft. 6 ins. from the ground, and, preferably, not A24 lower than 2 ft. 6 ins.; in any case, not below 2 ft. The maximum height is not to be limited in the case of existing vehicles. For vehicles registered for the first time after the regulations are issued, the minimum height of head lamps may be 2 ft. 6 ins. Pass lamps on existing vehicles must comply with the minimum of 2 ft. from the ground within a year of any such regulations coming into force.
(b) The use of any lamp mounted with its centre less than 2 ft. from the ground may be forbidden, except in fog or snow. This requirement may be expanded to ensure that the beam of maximum intensity from a fog lamp shall be directed below the horizontal and to the left.