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W HY is the Minister of Transport delaying his statement on the future of the British Transport Commission's participation in...
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T HE increase of 10 per cent. in railway freight charges makes brighter the prospects of the road haulage industry and...
Hints for Better Driving nESIGNED to be of practical value to all drivers, no matter how experienced they might consider...
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That even brakes are smoking less. That oil is not gold that glisters—but is not far removed from it. Of part-duty policemen...
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TWO more new haula g e companies have been formed in Scotland. They are I. Dennison and Co., Ltd., Glas g ow Road, Camelon,...
2 including premises are advised to arrange provisional insurance cover for the buildings at the same time as they send their...
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IN the face of objections by 27 independent coach operators, the I Metropolitan Licensing Authority has granted licences to the...
INLESS there was a conference between Glasgow Corporation and other operators of city bus services to discuss services for...
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" IF only the politicians will keep their only off us, we shall achieve a measure of co-ordination between road and rail...
MR. T. R. C. TOMPKINS, manager of the automotive sales department, has celebrated his 40th anniversary with the Vacuum Oil Co.,...
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u FFECT is given to some of the recommendations of the Thesiger Committee in the Transport Charges (Miscellaneous Provisions)...
A centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration has been inaugurated at Bristol. Messrs. Severn, coach proprietors, of...
eTh• A SAVING of £100,000 a year is expected to be made when Glasgow Transport Department completes its incentive-bonus scheme...
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B ECAT-JSE they have found that Leyland oil-engined lorries are cheaper to operate than American vehicles, Roadstone, Ltd.,...
A CLAIM that the grant of the applications would establish the principle that contract-carriage operators should have open...
" TN cases such as this, where a service I of which the need is admitted is to be provided under contract, and the sole...
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U j 1TRECHT and Amsterdam are two %-/Dutch cities which, as foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor on November 20 and January 15,...
Traders have expressed their disappointment at the Chancellor of the Exchequer's announcement last week that no further changes...
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A LTHOUGH the number of casual ties from road accidents in 1952 was nearly 11 per cent, lower than in 193g, last year's...
T HE South Wales Licensing Authority's "general principle" of granting licences for pantomime trips only to licensed operators...
A NEW four-speed commercialvehicle gearbox, with synchromesh mechanism incorporated in all forward gears, has been introduced...
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" T HERE is clear evidence that if the Western Trinidad Lake is Co., Ltd., had had to tender on the basis of the B.R.S. rates,...
E ARLY information about unsatis. factory action by highway authori. ties in dealing with snow and ice on roads is vital, state...
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• Operators in Rural Areas are Discouraged from Using Oilers Because They Do Not Understand the Technique of Maintenance : This...
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A NEW tractor with Scammell coupling and brake gear has been added to the Thornyeroft range of Nippy Star chassis. The tractor...
T WO strong arguments in favour of better vehicle and street lighting to prevent road accidents were put forward in London this...
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A RIGHT-HAND-DRIVE six wheeled underfloor engined chassis with an external lock to the third differential, a balance-beam...
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Tractor and Semi-trailer are Two Separate Units and Cannot be Substituted, Under _a Special A Licence, for a Rigid Vehicle, or...
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3ORDERIANE By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. What is the Truth of Operators' Criticisms of the Wearing Qualities of...
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N ALLEGATION that if the British Transport Commission had not acreased their 4s. pay offer to the ailwaymen in December, the...
"IT must not be thought that co-ordination through sin gle ownership involves a monopoly without competition . . . competition...
A NEW type of nickel-cadmium battery which is said to have a life of up to 20 years, has been introduced in America by the...
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Says Mr. D. G. Stokes, Leyland's General Sales Manager, Who Recently Returned from a Visit to Russia T HE standard of public...
THE effect of a low ambient tempera ture and indifferent maintenance of the battery on engine starting in cold weather, were...
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- NURING 1953, 19,747 fewer com mercial vehicles (including trailers) vere exported than in 1952. and their alue dropped from...
" T . HAVE been very much impressed I. with the frankness with which this case has been conducted by the Commission. No doubt...
" T HERE is a very considerable potential demand in the Nottingham district for travel to Clacton which is being stultified by...
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By OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT A N increase of £4m. for road maintenance was announced by the Joint Parliamentary Secretary...
INURING the past two years, the LI metals division of I.C.I., Ltd., has saved £13,000 because of the operation of employees'...
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Political Commentary By JANUS T HE word " accountability " wasp invented as a convenient description of a new problem created...
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You Want Traffic? Then. . . Go Out and Get It! I HAVE received a request to deal with getting business: a concise but...
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THE principle of using the drum movement to energize the brakes is a well-known one, but is rather difficult to apply in...