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10th August 1979
10th August 1979
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Page 1, 10th August 1979

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Speak now

This early in the parliamentary recess, the Minister of Transport is busily engaged in projects which will demand parliamentary...

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utility not quantity r coach licensing

s coach and bus road service licensing faces its biggest tphe val for 50 years with proposed changes which will be nco orated...

Hauliers look to rentals

TRAILER rental companies are foreseeing a boom in the rental business as more and more operators find it impossible to fund the...

n uiry evidence call

3V RNMENT lorry inves;ato Sir Arthur Armitage s as ed for written evidence hi inquiry into the heavy d the environment. Me...

ork goes ahead

OR is going ahead on a ijor expansion programme F ightliner's Coatbridge -ml al, near Glasgow, for ic the company has ei ed a...

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Social costs to push tax up by half for '81

HEAVY goods vehicles are to be made to pay more for their effect on the environment by a tax system based on gross weight and...

Route for working

ELEVEN Euro-routes are proposed in the United Kingdom but many of them require improvements or new construction work before...

Overload spotted

SPOT checks on good vehicles in the Midlands foun that 40 per cent of the lord( weighed were overloaded. The checks were...


AN EXPERIMENTAL trafficflow scheme through the Blackwall Tunnel started this week in an attempt to reduce delays to northbound...

Running costs soar

NEW FIGURES from the Road Haulage Association have revealed that hauliers' costs rose by a staggering 10.5 per cent so far this...

How mud

BRITAIN has still to be told the cost of the European Cot hearing on the UK failure implement the tachograi regulations...

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Swinards court win on UK tour licences

SWINARDS have got their licence for British tours. In a reserved decision the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners permitted...

Customs: no delays on freight

WITH CUSTOMS and Excise officers working to rule, goods and passengers coming into the country are facing greater delays than...

Litres at pumps?

FUEL, both diesel and petrol, may soon be sold in litres if the garages' organisation has its wish. The Motor Agents...

Motorway protests

ANTI-ROAD campaigners who disrupt motorway public nnquiries are "deliberately thwarting a major plank in Britain's industrial...

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Wetherby short cut ff the map official

VERNMENT inspector has recommended that the heavy s vehicle ban on the A58 Leeds-Wetherby road should stay. e decision was...

Dover to get more parking

KENT COUNTY Council is looking for a site for an emergency lorry park to serve the hard-pressed Dover Eastern Dock. Local...

ERF training

ERF has opened a new training centre for its customers and distributors. The new centre has two lecture rooms and two...

Bedford in Germany

BEDFORD commercial vehicles are to be sold in West Germany through a new marketing organisation. General Motors is to...

loTA Bristol

THE Institute of Traffic Administration is holding its annual transport exhibition at Bristol this year. Bodybuilders, vehicle...

vern Bridge tolls up

HER TOLLS for using the Severn Bridge come into force on nesday, August 29. ansport Minister Norman Fowler decided to increase...

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Evidence by fitter saved the licence

BECAUSE a West Midlands operator's vehicle had been off the road since June 27 and because he had been impressed by the...

Drivers jump at bonanza

LORRY DRIVERS will jumped at the chance o £1250-a-week bonanza wil earn every penny of it, says M Den Washington, an Oxford...

Crumbling M62 probi

THE CONDITION of the M cross-Pennines motorway being investigated by the E partment of Transport. T Department has admitted a...

Huts self-help firms

A SMALL road haulage company in Hertfordshire is setting up an organisation to help other similar small general haulage...

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r de secret in court

ETE BOROUGH firm of specialist vehicle bodybuilders was rted a temporary High Court order on Tuesday preventing a ler mployee...


CARRYFAST, the parcels carrier in the SPD group, has a new managing director. He is Martyn Oldroyd, a chartered accountant who...

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Bespoke from Spain

BESPOKE COACHES built to individual requirements are to be sold here by the latest contender in the British coach market. A...

Threat to union thugs

BUS UNION leaders at Coventry have given full support to a call to withdraw union cards from trade unionists convicted of...

Yes case to answer

A COACH OPERATOR who is charged with using a public service vehicle without a licence is not to get away scot-free — though...

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Judge backs NBC in market survey bottle

A HIGH COURT judge last week refused to order National Bus Company subsidiary Crosville to hand over survey forms, which...

First-aid courses

FIRST-AID courses run for staff by Passenger Transport Operators may now be eligible for a grant if approved by the Road...

estwell for Glasgow

LAN WESTWELL, Tayside Region's director of public transort, is to be Greater Glasgow PTE's director general. A special...

Hale's healthy future

HERTFORDSHIRE coach operating group Hale Bros, which controls Don's Coaches (Hale Bros) Ltd, Progressive Coachlines (Cambridge)...

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Smooth automatic Volvo

EXCLUSIVE TO CM this week are Bill Brock's driving impressions of Volvo's 8x4 F7 with automatic transmission. The vehicle we...

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oubts on proofing

T 1 TREND towards factory rust proofing of new cars and the r van derivatives has rec ved a cautious welcome fro Arne Ask,...

UL'a Frighten the birds

ALCOA Manufacturing (GB) Ltd, of Droitwich, a subsidiary of the Aluminium Company of America, has updated information of its...

ympia rage nue

GEQUIP '79 will be held t 0 mpia, London this year ro September 24-28. The ho , organised by the oci ty of Motor Manufacure s...

Liquid brush on show

A NEW "liquid brush" attachment for use on the Brentex Systems Ltd range of washers will be exhibited at Garagequip '79. The...

New lift trucks

A NEW RANGE of cushioned-tyred counterbalanced lift trucks has just been announced by ACR Lift Truck Ltd. The trucks are...

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Some will, some won't

I READ with interest Brian Chalmers-Hunts article "'Lease of life in credit squeeze"' (CM June 22). I have been driving for a...

Exhibition alternatives

WITH REGARD to the present discussions over the alternative Commercial Vehicle Show to be held at London in 1980, we have...

Interested party

I WAS interested to read C, features last week on runn vehicles to Italy, Spain, PortL and Southern Ireland, Graham Montgomer...

Page 25

Explicit pecks

Osculation is to be nationalised, though none of the parties in the General Election thought fit to Mention it. A new British...

Jack's all right

k "Government health warun9 is part of another new Iritish Standard covering the lesicn and performance of jacks )ought...

Tempting wovidence

alcclm Banks, president of the eight Transport Association, operly criticises the sweeping iwers of objection to 0-licence...

One man's meat

The oil debacle has pleased at least Cyril Bleasdale, managing director of Freightliners He is quoted in the TSSA Journal as...

How pay affects costs

The National Freight Corporation's splendidly produced and informative report for 1978 shows how difficult it is to generalise...


I was intrigued to observe that Sir Daniel Pettit, who retired as chairman of the NFC at the end of last year, was not the...

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Made glorious by this son of York

WINTER is now as far behind us as it is ahead, and we can be forgiven, I suppose, for discounting for the time being many of...

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Chasing the bad payers

AS vehicle costs go up, so do the monthly payments — and the credit company's risks. But what Nappens if a haulier genuinely...

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No more fears of too much success

Some hauliers get into trouble by being too success - ulthey overstretch themselves and when - ne bills aren't paid promptly;...

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Predict eashflow

WHAT is it that most companies seem to value about factoring? International Factors told me that, first, it means that they...

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Armchair rides out the eashflow

Peaks and dips in seasonal business-or in exchange rates for foreign currencydon't worry Armchair ; who make up fleet to...

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No Howe will leasing change

The Chancellor's changes will not make a great deal of cifference to lease fleet operators) says Alan Millar AFTER TWO MONTHS,...

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Calculate your real mileage rate

How can you afford to underquote this year wn vehicle replacement costs rising at the current rate? Stick to CN/'s rates for...

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Let bankers be your best friends

hat's Alan Millar's recommendatron for anyone proposing to make a go of a new haulage business in these days of expensive...

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Keep your cash under control

_says Brian Chalmers-Hunt who has been studying just how he average haulier can do that and how his accountant can help, WITH...

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Hazard tanker labels(1)

by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE THE Hazardous Substances (Labelling of Road Tankers) Regulations 1978, which came...

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Tyres (3): rims and beads

THE RIMS for private motor cars and light commercial vehicles ar invariably of the well-base ty e. Figure 1 shows a wheel a d...

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CM's Guide to Vehicle Rentals

Brian Chalmers-Hunt surveys the trailer hire firms and anatomizes e costs and terms of the business "IF ONLY I had read the...