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10th August 1979, Page 19
10th August 1979
Page 19
Page 19, 10th August 1979 — PEOPLE
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CARRYFAST, the parcels carrier in the SPD group, has a new managing director. He is Martyn Oldroyd, a chartered accountant who has been general manager since 1977. He succeeds Ian Harrison who has moved to SPD's parent company Unilever, in the financial division.

Frank Giles has succeeded Jack Wooler as deputy operations director, buses, for London Transport. Mr Giles has been with LT since 1937 and has spent most of that time in bus operations. A member of the Chartered Institute of Transport, Mr Giles will work with Mr Wooler who was promoted to operations director, buses.

International road haulage company Ecotrans has named Steve Havercroft as its marketing manager. Before taking this new appointment Mr Havercroft was the company's North West regional manager based at Manchester. As marketing manager he is working at Ecotrans' head office near Grimsby, responsible for the company's full trailer and groupage services to Scandinavia and North Europe.

Bruce Sellers is the new secretary of the National Bus Company. He succeeds Ray St Sandall who has become a board member for administration. Mr Sellars started his career in the bus industry 30 years ago as assistant accountant with Southdown and moved to National Travel in July 1972 as financial officer, becoming financial director in October 1973.

NBC Computer Services have appointed a new manager for their Reigate computer centre. Peter Flower is taking over from Martin Ballinger who has become company secretary at Western National. Mr Flower has served with Devon General and London Country Bus Services before he became development manager at Reigate.

Bob Radcliffe has been appointed the manager of advanced engineering for Eaton's transmission division in Europe. He is succeeded as chief engineer in the division by Keith Parmee who joined Eaton a year ago after holding a similar position with British Leyland's medium light vehicle division. The Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association has appointed two new executives to handle the association's ever-growing membership.

John Ogden is the VORA's industrial relations executive covering training, education, wages and conditions of employment. Alan Pye is the executive officer with special responsibility for technical and membership matters.

Benson Knight, fleet transport management consultant, has promoted Ian Hamilton to director and general manager. Mr Hamilton joined the company after six years with the Lex Service Group and in his new post he has day to day control of Benson Kight's consultancy service for transport fleets.

• Ian Dallison and Glyn Samuel, Fellows of the Chartered Institute of Transport, have been elected to the Council for the 1979-80 session. They were already Fellows of the Institute.