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I WAS interested to read C, features last week on runn vehicles to Italy, Spain, PortL and Southern Ireland, Graham Montgomer Eurosurvey. Italy, I think, it comparative with the UK th days, that I would like to kr more. How big are the r transport industries in th countries?
HGV DRIVER, (Name and address suppli
Italy has 1,241,500 goods vehicl the road, according to figures issu correct on December 31, 1977, t International Road Transport Unior and coaches around to 47,50( trailers to 230,000. For Spain th ores are 1,117,011 goods veh 40,729 buses and coaches, 1:j trailers and 24,585 semi-trailers Republic of Ireland has 53,251 vehicles, and 2,598 psv, The Portuguese figures date back to and are: 45,117 goods vehicles; I psv; 65,908 trailers. The grand tc registered goods vehicles for the countries amounts to just under to a half million. Britain, in June 197 1.7 million road goods vehicle 114,000 public transport veh according to Inland Transport in I (70p) issued this week by the Office of Information. — Editor.