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9th April 1948
9th April 1948
Page 1
Page 1, 9th April 1948

Page 25

Who Should Find Drivers' Hostels ?

XTATIONALIZATION ot road transport is unlikely. greatly to diminish the problem of finding suitable accommodation for drivers...

Page 26

Developing the Pneumatic Tyre

H OW would road transport of all types have advanced if the pneumatic tyre had not been invented? That there would have been...

Passing comments

Ideas Department EHIND the steadily rising Brings Good Results "production at the Wolverat Goodyear Works . hampton plant of...

Page 27

One Hears

Of inanY a conference of consequence and some of little. The query: "How much paper is the Government preparing to save?"...

Page 28

A.E.C.-CROSSLE Y MERGER AGREED TUTORE than 90 per cent, of

the shareal holders of Crossley Motors, Ltd., have accepted the offer of the Assodated Equipment Co., Ltd., for the...

Morris-Commercial Oilers Announced 4ORRIS -COMMERCIAL vehicles al will in future

be offered with a choice of a petrol or oil engine, the two units being interchangeable in the same chassis. The new oil...

Rolls-Royce Commercial Engines

T HE Dennis F2. fire-engine, which was described in "The Commercial Motor" last week, is one of the first chassis to be...

Page 29

FRANCE FREES HOME MARKET U NDER the new economic measures announced

by the French Government on March 30, all restrictions on the sale of French commercial vehicles in the home market were...

Page 30

Personal Pars MR. E. J. RONEY has been appointed to the board of the Ransome and Marks Bearing Co., Ltd.

MR. A. Rum has been appointed chairm...n of the West Midland Area of the Road Haulage Association. MR. L. J. MADDEN is...

In a Lin

e or Two The export promotion department of the Board of Trade is now located at Thames House North, Millbank, London, S.W.1....

Page 31

Operator Not Unfit to Hold Licence, • Says Appeal Tribunal

A 'operator who was refused a B, licence for seven vehicles (17 tons) by the North Western Licensing Authority, partly on the...

60-TON BOILER WINCHED 150 FT, UP GULLY Fo 85 b.h.p. oil-engined

Tr den tVractors equipped with large winches, and a third Foden crane wagon, were recently used to salvage a 60-ton marine...

Page 32

P.T.A. AND BUS SHORTAGE QERIOUS concern over the difficulty in

obtaining new vehicles and component parts is expressed in the annual report of the Public Transport Association. The...

Page 33


THE company would continue to operate under the present management until some area scheme prescribed under the Transport Act...

Workers Lead Anti-strike Move R FACTICN of the Transport and General

Workers' Union to the recent award of 7s. 6d. a week to its passenger-vehicle members is unusually interesting. A position has...

Page 34

All This

and Wages, Too ! says ASHLEY F. TAYLOR W HEN . the tram driver of 40 Years ago rocked along his route' at speeds' in...

Page 36

The Newcomer

and the Transport Act By Our Legal Adviser I HAVE been asked to explain more fully the effects of the Transport Act, 1947, on...

Page 37

New High-capacity Compressor

A S a stand-by air supply, the Hymatic mobile compressor set has many uses in the factory or garage for air lines, hoists,...

Page 38

A Vehicle Buili 'or Hard Service

T HE designer of the Vulcan 6-tonner obviously set out to produce a vehicle that would withstand arduous service with a minimum...

Page 41

RESERVED- For the Skilled Fitter I NCORRECT bearing clearance, insufficient bearing

pinch or general lack of care when assembling an engine is certain to shorten its expected life, so that the task of engine...

Page 42

114 EFUSE collection should start in the home,"

says Mr H. Gurney, M.I.P.C., cleansing super intendent of the London borough of Tottenham. "Give the housewife a foolproof,...

Page 47


UERIES IS THE CRELLIN BUS SUITABLE FOR STAGE WORK? . I WAS very interested in the article in your issue dated March 19,...

Page 48


Commers for the Railways I NTERESTING modifications am seen in a fleet of Commer Q.25 goods chassis with 365-cubic-ft bodies...

Chain Phase Adjustment Simpli

A N engine timing-chain - 1– V adjuster which will provide a micrometer variation between t h e crankshaft and auxiliary...

Page 49

What Does It Cost to Haul Round Timber?

W HEN 1 received a letter from a timber-hauling friend of mine in Hampshire, asking for advice on costs and rates in connection...

Page 53

M.P.T.A. Recommendations for Improved Bus Design

T HE views and experience of six maintenance engineers of. large • municipal transport undertakings are summarized in a...

Page 54

• Judge Favours Speedy Trial in L.T.E. Injunction Case

A N application, described by counsel of vital importance to transport operators, was made to Mr. Justice Vaisey in the...

301 Years of Transport —A Ha. 's Wharf Saga

A BOOK entitled, "Transport Saga1646-1947," has been issued as a most interesting history of Pickfords, Ltd., Carter Paterson...

High-pressure Liquids "On Tap"

A N interesting feature of a new compressed-air unit, the Maxim PUP., is that it may be used for highpressure delivery of...