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T HE VERY REPRESENTATIVE entry for the agricultural tractor trials which will take place at Lincoln in September must be a...
W E WONDER what Sir Erie Geddes thinks of the great schemes of the Gattie goods clearing house system. We have heard off and on...
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T HE PROGRAMME of ,papers for the Road Congress to be held in November under the auspices of the County Councils Associations...
F IGURES AND FACTS are stubborn. Moreover, many people, and amongst them some of the shrewdest, are inclined to confuse the two...
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Deliver your tractors by motor lorry. Of a new 10-ewt. light van of British build "to sell at ,2105." That the design of its...
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The Select Committee on London's Traffic published its recommendations last week. They include, as was universally anticipated,...
The National Benzole Association announces that with the co-operation of the Motor Fnels joint •Committee, an Advisory...
Before the war the French municipal council had decided on the total abolition of horses in the municipal services. The fire...
In the House of Commons last week, Lieut.-col. Spender Clay asked the President of the Board of Trade what is. the average...
The Scottish Centre, of the Institution of, Automobile Engineers, which 'so:spend - ad its activities during the latter part of...
The County Councils association has arranged for the following tonics to be dealt with at the forthcoming road congress:—...
After a long delay the French commisSioners have accepted the terms of the American Government for the whole of the American...
The Board of Trade announce that Sir Evan Jones, Bart., M.P., has resigned his ponition as chairman of the Road Transport...
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Iii the Report of the Commissioner for Excise of the Union of South Africa. for the year 1918, it is mentioned that the...
Mr. Austell Chamberlain's statement in the House of Commons recently, on the subject of the restoration of the proceeds of...
One of the best-known and beet-liked wee iii the motor world,is. Mr. Basil H. Joy, the secretary to the Institution of...
Bridge builders of ancient times did their work well. Reporting on the Stamford County Bridge, the East Riding Comity Surveyor...
Electric searchlights of immense power were employed by the various European armies as made units to guide aeroplanes back to...
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The Government's Patents • Bill, which, in the Words of Sir G. Croydon Marks, gives the "cheapest patents on earth" was read a...
The interesting illustration which we publish on-this page will give some idea of the force of a recent storm experienced in...
The administrative staff, together with the din:dors, of S. Smith and Soria (M.A.), Ltd., have just' held their first annual...
,During the second week in July the contents of one of the water supply reservoirs.attached to the Farington Steel Works of...
An arrangement which, it is believed, embodies a new principle in regard to the contribution by bus traffic towards the cost of...
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In view of tho wide publicity given to the unfortunate scenes which marred tie Peace Celebration...Sat Luton, it should also be...
At a meeting of County Council Associations, hold at the Guildhall, 'Westminster . recently, a letter was considered from the...
With reference to the artiele on " Motor Transport, in :British' Central Africa" -which appeared in "Tier Goesmarciod Motor for...
The business, commercial and social life Of the Island of 3Iauritius is undergoing a great reform, and according to a Times...
Ilford UD-C. has asked the siirveyor to report comprehensively' on -the. probable coat of mechanical transport, the miniber of...
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We recently made reference in ',otir gages to the order which has been placed by the p ersian Government for a number of motor...
In answer to a question from Mr. Manville in the House of Commons recently, who asked if any action had been taken to give...
Mr. F. W. Dingleyi who has been appointed outdoor mechanical superintendent of the Motive Power (Loco. and Road Motors) of the...
A few days ago the first auction sale of Government motor vehicles was held at Olympia, and there was much keen bidding from a...
In a recent issue we referred to the activities of the Motor Radiator Manufacturing Co., of Birmingham, which company was...
Lancaster T.C. requires a five - ton steam wagon. Swansea Corporation is to apply for power to run motor omnibuses. Grimsby...
Middlesex County Council proposes to hire a motor van for three months at a cost not exceeding £100 for tbe use of the Weights...
York C.C. has placed an order with Railless Ltd., for four railless cars at 42,000 each.
A deputation appointed by the Ilkeston Corporation Highways Committee to attend a, sale of Government steam wagons reports that...
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Central Station Risks Grow Greater. The Hard Task of the Innovator. Vi E, WHOSE BUSINESS it is to know all there is to know...
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Particulars of Some Interesting Tests Conducted with a Four-wheel-drive Tractor. I N OUR ISSUE dated July 29th was included an...
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The Facilities Offered by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., to Commercial Vehicle Users. T HE SCARCITY of mechanical road...
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A Rejoinder. By Granville F. Bilbrough. 1 , W E SEEM TO HAVE TRAVELLED a long way in the few years which have elapsed since...
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A Design which Incorporates the Weil-known Ford Power and Gear Unit. VOR YEARS the poor Ford has had to suffer in ailence...
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Main Features of the Whiting-Bull, Titan and Mogul Models. I N THE THREE-WHEELED clamof agricultural tractors one of the most...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). N OW LET US get a little deeper into the subject. Up to now, I have...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. Weather Forecasts. W E REFERRED RECENTLY in this column to the evident fact that, while our...
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A PRIZE OF TEN ShILLIIVOS is awarded sack week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page; all others are...
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A R6sume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. An ingenious arrangement of selfstarter involving the iieeof:capsules...