Local Proceedings.
Page 8
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Lancaster T.C. requires a five-ton steam wagon.
Swansea Corporation is to apply for power to run motor omnibuses.
Grimsby Corporation proposes to purchase two motor vehicles for hospital purposes.
Poole Fire Brigade Committee is to report on the question of purchasing a motor fire engine.
Merthyr T.C. is spending 41,284 on the purchase of an electric vehicle for scavenging work.
Sanction to 'borrow £877 is being applied for by Harrogate T.C. for the purchase of a motor lorry.
Leeds Corporation Cleansing Committee is purchasing a Lacre motor road sweeper at a cost of £578.
The London County Council has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors (1914), Ltd., at £1,080 for a motor lorry, for the fire brigade.
Preston Corporation has accepted the tender of Drake and Gorham, Ltd. of '
Glasgow for the supply of two electric vehicles for £2,664.
• Durham C.C. is purchasing ten Foden steam wagons from the Government. Five have already been delivered, the prices ranging from £540 to £590.
The tender of Wood-Milne, Ltd., and George Spencer Moulton, Ltd., has been recommended to the Westminster C.C. for acceptances to supply rubber tyrea for the 10 motor wagons now on order from John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. The contract price is £55 17s. 4d. per set.
Durham C.C. has appointed representatives to attend a conference of the various highway authorities as to the proposals of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., to run a service of motor omnibuses from Newcastle via Dumb= and Whickham to Blaydon.
Hammersmith B.C. is going in for motors in place of horsed vehicles for street cleansing and general haulage work, and the committee winch has been investigating the matter suggests the purchase of two five-ton steam wagons from the Mann Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., at £1,340 each.