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Prospects in Persia.

5th August 1919, Page 8
5th August 1919
Page 8
Page 8, 5th August 1919 — Prospects in Persia.
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We recently made reference in ',otir gages to the order which has been placed by the persian Government for a number of motor mail vans with an Italian company, and according to the information to hand there are great possibilitica for the motor lorry in Persia in the near future.

In South Persia the growth of cereal crops along the coastal belt is rendered very precarious by the liability to drought, whilst across the mountains the production of grain is much in excess of local requirements, and in the absence of animal transport it is impossible to convey this grain to the coast for export, but if motor wagons were available it is stated that a valuable shipping business in grain could be developed. It is stated that before the outbreak

of war a German firm was submitting proposals to the Persian authorities for the organization of a transport service, but the war interrupted the negotiations, and it now appeaes that new proposals will shortly be submitted from other quarters. The British steam wagon is recognized as the most. satisfactory type of vehicle for this purpose, and herein lies the chance for the home manufacturer.