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Road Congress Topics.

5th August 1919, Page 4
5th August 1919
Page 4
Page 4, 5th August 1919 — Road Congress Topics.
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The County Councils association has arranged for the following tonics to be dealt with at the forthcoming road congress:— Friday, November 2.1st.—Paperon " Concrete roads, their construction, maintenance and life." . Paper on "Asphaltic macadam (bituminous) roads and their extended use."

Saturday, November 22nd.—Paper on "The consolidation and amendment ef the Highways Law."

Monday, November 24th.—Paper on " The relative advantages of single and double coat road surfacing work carried out in bitumen (as distinct from tar coinpounds)."

Tuesday, November 25th.—Paper on "The conditions under which the heavier types of vehicles may use the roads, with special reference to their liability for extraordinary . traffic damages." Two papers on "The weight, construction and speed of mechanically-propelled vehicles in relation to the construction tuad maintenance of roads " ; one paper to be read by a manufacturer of such vehicles and the other by a road engineer.

Wednesday, November 26th.—Paper on "Provisions. for and development of traffic in the future, with special reference to (a) the provision of -new roads, (a) road finance, aed (e) provision of new transport services."