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27th January 1950
27th January 1950
Page 1
Page 1, 27th January 1950

Page 30

Passing Comments

Where that Turnover A N interesting comment Goes in a Motor "upon the company's large Works . . . . turnover of £2,000,000...

Page 31

One Hears

Much talk of higher torque. That brakes can be too efficient for comfort or safety. That the driver close behind can also...

Page 32

Holdsworth Family Starts in Africa

I N association with his sons, Donald and Malcolm, Aid, Charles . Holdsworth. of Halifax, has purchased a road haulage business...

Page 33

" The Trains are There and

You Must Use Them" L\ BOLD assertion that the time had come to force the public to use the railways, whether it wished to do...

Road Transport to be Used to Cut B.T.C. Loss ?

F URTHER references were made, last week, when the Transport Tribunal was considering the claim of the Railway Executive for an...

Fish Must be Handled Twice

A SCHEME whereby fish from late catches could be taken by R.H.E. vehicles to Inverness and dispatched by rail to Glasgow, was...


T HE Traders' Road Transport Association has been represented at a conference, convened by the Ministry of Transport. which has...

Page 34

Petrol Engine for Leyland Comet

A LEYLAND petrol engine which rt develops 100 b.h.p. at 2.400 r.p.m., is now available as an alternative unit in Leyland Comet...

£122,000 Loss for Wolverhampton?

F ACING a deficit of £122,000 next year, Wolverhampton Transport Department applied to the West Midland Licensing Authority for...

Men in the News

MR. W. BAXTER has been made transport officer to Fife County Couneii. Formerly he was with Rolls-Royce, Ltd. MR. W. H....

Page 35

FIFTEEN mac haulage undertakings I : were actldired by the Road

Haulage Execut4ve from January 15-21. making the total for the first three weeks of the year, 88. The latest transfers are:—...

Road Transport Likely. to Grow

'INDUSTRIAL evolution and th movement towards decentralizatior. , . in , physical planning may tend to increase road transport...

Page 36

In a Line or Two

Chloride Batteries, Ltd., Manchester, has published a new Exide battery ca talogue. Radio-equipped fire-engines and ambulances...

Aluminium. Prices • Reduced

A S from January 23, the British Aluminium Co., Ltd. announces, the basic prices for pure aluminium and BA60 (11 per cent. Mn.)...

Page 37

Pre-fabricated Roads Cut Costs

N E' techniques in road construction can he, and have been, developed which allow roads to be built when economic conditions...

Vehicles to be Dearer ?

A . PROTEST against the heavy cut which the Government had :proposed in' the allocation of commercial vehicles to the home...

Friction Over Agreement

T HE Bill promoted by Gateshead and HE Tramways Co., Ltd.. to give the company the powers to run motorbuses instead of trams,...

Page 38

N EW Continental and Scandinavian chassis shown at the Brussels Salon

indicate that the manufacturers are developing frame design to give rigidity without increas ing weight. Steel pressings are...


slovak exhibits, Which'. have already, been cleseribefi in -4 . The Commercial Nlotor.' were-powered - Mainly by coin pressiOn...

Page 41

A World Guide to

BRITISH VEHICLES A A SECOND edition of "The British Commercial Vehicle '' . .litchistry," which presents to the world the...

Page 42

ISRAEL IS REALISTIC about road transport

drafting committee which prepared the proposals considered at the World Road Conference in. Geneva Iasi 'August In one way...

Page 44

Modern Technique in Gear Production

T HE progressive increases in permissible gear stresses, made possible by improvements in the materials used, have led to...

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i-in.-diameter fan operating in a close-fitting cowl and eating at l times engine speed. Compressed-air Akes are fitted to the...

Page 51

Isn't This a Knock-out ?

THE following experience may be of interest to readers of "The Commercial Motor." A representative using one of rny company's...

Page 55

39 Passengers Carried in Luxury

PATENTED :features and judicious 1. design characterize a new coach buift by Bellhouse, Hartwell and Co. Ltd., Westhoughton,...

Page 56

Which is the Best Vehicle?,

S ELECTION of the most economical size of vehicle for any particular traffic can he most difficult. The factor of legitimate...

Page 60

A Single-plunger Injection Pump

.A . SIMPLIFIED• design • of inje'etion .1 - 1. pump comes in patent No. 631,005; from the. I nteroational Harvester 'Company...