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Petrol Engine for Leyland Comet

27th January 1950
Page 34
Page 34, 27th January 1950 — Petrol Engine for Leyland Comet
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A LEYLAND petrol engine which rt develops 100 b.h.p. at 2.400 r.p.m., is now available as an alternative unit in Leyland Comet chassis. Having a capacity of 306 cubic ins., the basic design of the engine is generally similar to that of the Leyland 0/300 oil engine.

Besides providing additional Power, the petrol-engined Comet weighs 11cwt. less than the oil-engined chassis. Not only is the engine lighter, but the electrical installation is 12-volt, against a 24-volt system.

The engine is known as the P.300: and is in unit construction with the five-speed gearbox. It is mounted as a Unit by the Leyland flexible-link system. which incorporates Harris bushes.

CALL TO "SET TRANSPORT FREE" A CALL for a return to free enterins prise in the road "transport industry was made last week by Mr. E. R. Taylor, chairman, at the annual dinner of the East London Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association. "We want a Government which would keep within its own income without touching that of industry." he declared.