FIFTEEN mac haulage undertakings I : were actldired by the Road
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Haulage Execut4ve from January 15-21. making the total for the first three weeks of the year, 88. The latest transfers are:— -.
Harrisons Transport (Unit E3451. Church GresIcy; A. M. Biddies (Unit £.346), Kirkby Mallory; irransii Services (Woodville). Ltd. (Unit .E.3(1), Church .Orr..ley; .1. W. Johnson.(Carriers), Ltd.' ;Unit E.349). Burion-on.l'rent; -Baileys Trarisnon Service (Unit E.351),. Foie Uttoketer; Howson !Unit ' E.353), Swinscoe; Cyril Statham '(Uhin (1_352). Blaby; Sharpe Bros. (Unit 348). Leicester; lohn Bray (Unit £.354). Sapeotel Rogers..Bros. (FiaUlagc), Ltd. (Unit D.3041.Mold Green; Red Transport (Unit A,291). London, .£.7; ROune Bros. ((mnit E.350). Leicester; Frederick Coleman and Son (Unit. (0.307). Leeds; British Road .Sersires (Unit E.268). I.eicester; Mrs. ;Ethel Hare
:Unit 13.185).., Rotherham. .. •
ALTHOUGH the appfiCation was made at the request of Badenoch DistrictCouncii, the Scottish Licensing Authority refused to .grant a licence to Messrs. Dean Bros., .-KinguSsie, to operate a bus service between Newtonmoreand.Inverness. : At the recent hearing of the case. the Licensing Authority Said that although he had been -ii-'npreSSed•by the evideaCe of-two county councillors,• "with advocated a service forthe'benefit -of people living some . distance. from rail cent i'eS, it would abstracC.rail.traflic from a route.'on".-;(vhich the _Railwa 'Executiye had to maintain ..pasScriger services it .a11._•c-ot's....
-Railway Exeetitivl'z to an application by the _Sutheqaud Transport and Trading Co., Ltd.:' Lairg, to run a service between.Lairg' and Bonar Bridge, were unsitccessful: The Licensing Authority .held that the service, sponsored by Sutherland County ,Council. was desirable in the, public interest.
AN application by Stockton-on-Tees Transport Department to run a new service from Stockton to Billinghann has been adjourned by the Northern licensing Authority United 'Automobile • Services, Ltd., a State-owned undertaking, objected on the ground that the Sunderland-West Hartlepool. Stockton service (which passes through Billingham) was adequate.
Any extension-of services to the new estates at Billingham,. stated United, should be left to existing operators. The United concernis to submit its own application to meet the needs of new estates.
THE first 50 8-ton six-cylindered oilenginecl lorries to be assembled at the Brazilian National Motor Factory have recently been completed. Some of the components are of local manu
facture, the remainder having been • supplied by the Italian Isotta-Fraschini concern, • with which a contract was signed on January 15, 1949. _
It is hoped that within a year this and other Brazilian Works..will be able -to produce all the equipment necessary for the construction of complete lorries.
TWO different types of end-tipping vehicle have recently been supplied by Bromilow • and Edwards, Ltd., Bolton, as part of an order for Rotherham .Corporation. _These have Albion forward-control chassis and are equipped with B. and E. Model A6 gear:
• , Where the all-steel body-is employed, the tail door is builtup in sections, electrically. welded,. and can. be hinged
at the top or bOttom. When the tail door is hinged at the top the release -mechanism takes the form of .a:robuSt remote control operzitect from the off side of the body, at the front; so that the driVer eari release or lock the door withoutMoving from the Cab: A similar type of control is also erimloyed on the tirnber-bodied vehicles.
DUNDEE'S PROGRESS AST year Dundee Transport Depart
ment's 136 buses travelled 4,339,000 miles and it is expected that they will cover 250,000 more this -year. Sixteen buses are on order and it is expected that the fleet will be 164 strong by 1955 and 200 by 1959.