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2nd April 1908
2nd April 1908
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Page 1, 2nd April 1908

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An Air of Confidence at Olympia.

An air of confidence characterises the occupiers of stands throughout the Olympia Show, not excluding the gallery, in...

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Machine Tools for Motor Manufacturers.

A Few of Alfred Herbert's Most Useful Models. As the visitor to the Olympia Show examines some of the very-accurately-machined...

Page 5

The Motor Omnibus World.

The Dunlop Rubber Company, Limi.. ted, has presented a petition for the compulsory liquidation of the Vanguard Motorbus...

Page 6

Heavy Motor Traffic in London.

Heavy motor traffic in London was again discussed at a Conference of representatives of the Metropolitan Borough Councils, at...

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News and Comment.

This journal fosters, represents, and chronicles commercial motoring in all its branches; it has the largest and best...

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The first two days of the Olympia Show, at the close of which this journal was made up for Press, had rendered fully evident...

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Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company, Limited.

Exhibit:—One Chassis; Two Vans; and One Railway-Inspection Car. This company is exhibiting one of its -latest, toh.p.,...

Page 11

Argylls, London, Limited.

Principal Exhibits :-15-cwt., 10-12h.p. Sample Carrier; One-ton, Two-cylinder, Delivery Van; Two-ton, Box Van; Two-ton, Hooded...

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Sir W. G. Armstrong-Whitworth and Co., Ltd.

Exhibit —A Three-ton, Open Lorry ; a Convertible Military Wagon; an Omnibus Chassis ; and One 28-52h.p. Engine. Sir \V. G....

Page 13

A. R. Atkey and Company, Limited.

Exhibit :—One Chassis; One Lorry ; and One Tilt Van. A wagon which was originally designed for Colonial use is the AtkeyGimson...

Austin Motor Company, Limited.

Exhibit :—One Chassis; One Cab ; One Van; and One Travellers' Car. The Austin cab and light-van . chasSis, which we described...

Page 14

T. C. Aveling and Co., Ltd.

Exhibit:—Single-cglinder, paraffin-driven Lorry by Broom and Wade. Those who attended the late Trials of the Royal Automobile...

Berna Motors, Limited.

Exhibit:Five-ton petrol Chassis; teh.n., two-eylinder Chassis and Laundry Van; Platform Lorry; and 14-16h.p. Cab Chassis....

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Commercial Cars, Limited.

Exhibit :—Two Chassis ; one Lorry ; one Tilt Van ; one Char-a-bancs; one Convertible Body ; and Specimen Gear Box. On this...

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The Critchley-Norris Motor Company.

Exhibit:-40h.p., 24-passenger Char-a-bancs. The importance of the standard, 4oh.p., petrol-driven machine is somewhat...

A. Darracq and Co., Ltd.

Exhibit :—A Good Range of Gabs and Small Delivern Vans. The dominant note on the Darracq stand, whose occupier's London...

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The Darwen Automobile Agency.

Exhibit :—One Chassis, and One Engine. The American motor manufacturer has always been keen on air-cooling for...

De Dion Bouton (1907), Limited.

Exhibit:—Standard, London-type Omnibus Chassis; one-ton and two-ton Lorries; stngle-cglinder Commercial Travellers' Brougham;...

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Dennis Brothers, Limited.

Exhibit : -10-cwt. Chassis ; 15-cwt. Mail Van ; 30-cwt. Van ; 20-seated Char-a-bancs; Two-ton Polished Chassis ; Three-ton Tilt...

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Durham, Churchill and Company.

Exhibit :—Two Chassis ; Two Lorries; and One Char-a-banes. The exhibits of Messrs. Durham, Churchill and Company, of the...

Fiat Motors, Limited.

Exhibit ;-10.-14h.p. Cab Chassis and Complete Vehicle; Four-ton Chassis and Covered Van. The Fiat Company, which has earned an...

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The Gallinari Naval Construction Co., Ltd.

Exhibit :—One, 40h.p., Five-ton Chassis. One of the newest vehicles exhibited :t Olympia is the 5-ton lorry chassis vhich has...

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Halley s Industrial Motors, Limited.

Exhibit:—A One-ton Chassis; a Fire-brigade Tender; and a two-ton Van. The Halley motors did remarkably well in the recent...

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Humber, Limited.

Exhibit : Three Cabs, and Three Vans. Humber, Limited, of Coventry and Beeston (Notts), shows examples of its commercial and...

J. and E. Hall, Limited.

Exhibit :—One Four - ton Chassis ; One Four-ton Tilt Van ; and One Four-cylinder, 30-38h.p. Engine. The splendid record which...

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J. and E. Hutton, Limited.

Exhibit :—One 30-cwt. Lorry ; one three-ton Lorry Chassis, with steel tires; one Station Bus. The French Bernet vehicles are...

The Industrial Motor Company.

Exhibit : - 1O - cwt., Canvas-top Van; 30-cwt., Canvas-top Van; 30-cwt., Stripped Chassis; Two-cglinder Aster Engine. The "...

Page 24

Lacre Motor Car Co., Ltd.

e , xhibit :—One-ton Lorry ; 25-cwt. Box Van for Whiteley' s; 50.-cwt. Van for Spiers & 3 ond's ; two-ton Van for White Heather...

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Leyland Motors, Limited.

Exhibit:-London-type Omnibus complete; Three-ton New-type Chassis; and 30-cwt. Lorry. In addition to the complete omnibus of...

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Maudslay Motor Company (1907), Limited.

Principal Exhibits:—"E 40," the Gold Medal Trials Vehicle; Midland Railway Compang's Single-deck Omnibus; and New Light Omnibus...

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Mann and Overtons, Limited.

Exhibit:—One " Unic " Cab; and the " Unic " Light Van. Large numbers of " Unie " cabs, such as the one which is exhibited by...

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Milnes-Daimler, Limited.

Exhibit:—New Five-ton Chassis; One Tip Wagon; Two Vans; and One Omnibus. This well-known company is showing its latest...

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The New Arrol-Johnston Car Co., Ltd.

Exhibit :—One Chassis; Two Vans; One Dray ; One Wagonette ; and One Char-a=bancs. The modifications that have been made in the...

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The Ryknield Motor Co., Ltd.

Exhibit:—Polished five-ton Chassis; two Vans; and one Single-deck Sus. The most attractive exhibit on the ;tand of the...

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Sidney Straker and Squire, Limited.

Exhibit:—One 30-cwt. Chassis; one Wagonette; one Tilt Van; latest and “Boltless" Gear Box for Motorbuses; and one Ilnotorcab....

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The Star Engineering Company.

Exhibit :—Two Examples of a Two-eglinder Cab. The Star Engineering Company, which has its works at Wolverhampton, has confined...

Sturmey Motors, Limited.

Exhibit:- 44 Lolls" Cab; and Light Vans, of 10-12h.p. aud 18h.p. An exhibit at Olympia that will attract more than ordinary...

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John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.

Exhibit :—Two Vans ; one Char-a-banes ; one Single-deck Bus. Motor users, bath actual and prospective, now have an opportunity...

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The Thames Iron Works, Shipbuilding, and Engineering Company, Limited.

Exhibit:—Three-ton Lorry and Chassis; Motorcab; and 15-cwt. Delivery Van. The Thames Ironworks Shipbuilding and Engineering...

The Victoria Street Garage.

Exhibit :—Three Royal Delivery Vans and a Complete Transmission Set. The interesting little Royal delivery van, which was...

Page 35

The Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd.

Exhibit :-8-10h.p. “General Cab and Chassis; Four-seated Jobmasters' Landaulet; Travellers' Box Van; 18h.p., 30-cwt. Chassis,...

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Belsize (31). Belsize Motors, Limited, of Belsize Works, Clayton, Manchester, is showing one of its 14-16h.p. delivery vans....

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Amongst the Tire Stands.

The tire section is well rep - esented at Olympia, both in the solid ard pneumatic sections. It is very obvious that the tire...

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Several examples of the highest art of the coach-builder are to be seen at Olympia, but, since the builder of...

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it is particularly interesting to go round the exhibits, and to notice the wheels with which the vehicles are fitted. In very...

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Metals and Materials.

Flather (181.) 1V, J. Flather, Ltd., of the Standard Steel Works, Sheffield, is, of course, best known for its " Ubas " brand...

Components, Engines, Gears, and Tools.

Aster (201.) The Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., of 4, Prince's Street, Hanover Square, W., has, as usual, a fine display of the...

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Accessories and Stores.

Acetylene Illuminating (157). The Acetylene Illuminating Company, Limited, of 268-270, South Lambeth Road, S.W., shows...

Page 53

Late News.

Motor Lamps. Brown Brothers, Limited, of Great Eastern Street, E.C_, has taken up the representation of " Autoclipse " motor...

E DITORIAL communications must be ad dressed to " The Editor, and

should reach the London Office not later than lit post on Monday, if intended for the following Thursday's issue. The Editor...

Page 54

Out and Home.__By " The Extractor."

Jessop's, at Sheffield, is as busy as it can be with motor work. One show exhibitor, the responsible manager for a large...

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About the R.A.C. Report. The Editor, " Tim COMMERCIAL MOTOR." Sir :—Allow me to smooth the ruffled feathers of your...

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The Use of Unsuitable Vehicles.

By Henry Sturmey. I have before now in these columns referred at soine length to the folly of motor dealers and manufacturers...

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Utility Motors in France.

Notes from our Correspondent in Paris. Although, in a recent issue, mention was made of the fact that some alarm was felt in...

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From Our Berlin Correspondent.

On ist June, a new State motorbus line opens between Bad Kissing - en and Brtickenau, Bavaria. In 1907, Austria imported 43...

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The Motor Drivers News.

A Change from Steam to Petrol. " M. H." (Cardigan) sends the following letter :—" In your issue of 3oth January, M.M.,' of...

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Patents Completed.

PUMP ARRANGEMENT—Maims.No. 22,381/06, dated (under Convention) 26th October, 1907.—This invention re lates to the arrangement...