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4th August 1978
4th August 1978
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Page 1, 4th August 1978

Page 4

The dockers' pay-off

The Government is buying itself out of trouble by putting up £35m to assist the Port of London Authority to increase severance...

Page 5

rivers warn f fuel crisis pay row

1IK Ian am' ye Tit f he a ns rke lch Po nd m i eeti io tnci ues t ion R drivers in the s are considering achich could mean...

• Rodgers at Turner Centre

TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers opened a new skills testing centre for the Road Transport Industry Training Board at...

Page 6

Ambulances in wheels dispute

EXPERTS are baffled by a mystery wheel fault which has put most of the Scottish Ambulance Service's Bedford CF25 vehicles off...

Bid to kil rebellion

EFFORTS are being ma quash the bid for road ta dependence" by supportl the ancient Cornish minster parliament. The High Court...

New title at Lucas

CAV LTD is to change its name to Lucas CAV as part of a move towards a closer association between Lucas and its operating...

A capital lorry ban

HARRINGEY, London is to extend its lorry ban to bring it into line with other borough councils. This will mean a complete ban...

LT onio 'will fail'

EXTENDED one-man operation of buses will not yield large benefits to London Transport, according to a report published by the...

Page 7

Mack to team with Renault

A NEW marketing agreement, with the possibility of co-operation in building new vehicles, has been agreed befween Mack and...


The one thing about the law which everyone knows is that ignorance is no excuse. So, full marks to the Department of Transport...

Page 19

ore occident les to come

CPT mit len :ut He ion a r n pro ire es.' gns fo a MS and incidences of caused by industrial should be reported to alth and...

Food for a minister?

TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers has received a report telling him to adopt strong measures to improve motorway food and...

ers unite port row

EW In ler esi to id DOT cia vovee so ter ca ow alat port users association set up by freight forat Dover who are sick ....

Toll fight

"FOR whom the road tolls?" is the title of a 20-page booklet setting out the case for government assistance with the cost of...

oduction a fifth

111 I P the ) in ver : to ea rice sed iste CENT increase in production of commercial vehicles ome market has been accompanied...

Page 20

Tanker regs to be tightened this yea

IMMEDIATE steps are being taken to tighten up the regulations controlling vehicles carrying dangerous substances — and new...

Tribunal rules to be updated

NEW REGULATIONS affecting procedures at industrial tribunal hearings have been laid before Parliament for approval. The new...

Page 21

adless fuel lot speed limits ays Stedman

MIGHT be more nomical in the long term to e a leadless petrol than to Lice speed limits, said Lady C. Under-Secretary for the...

Director's lessons are learned

A DIRECTOR of a company who did not appear to know what the Articles of Memorandum were and did not know what type of...


Tanker hero A TANKER driver earned praise from a Welsh fire brigade last week when he stayed at the wheel of his blazing...

Tax crackdown

TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers is likely to order a crackdown on operators who are dodging paying the full amount of road...

Turkey costs

INCREASED transit taxes are being applied to all vehicles entering Turkey from midnight on August 4. The basis of charges...

DTp's quangos

MR WILLIAM RODGERS, the Transport Minister, revealed in the Commons that he is responsible for making 146 paid public...

Page 22

Council estate bottle result

THE BATTLE over the provision of services into a housing estate, between Chesterfield Borough Transport and East Midland Motor...

Van Hool to expan

VAN HOOL has confirme intention to retain its slim the British coach market. The company has. nounced that it will soot...

Bus chaos fean

A PLAN to use buses instead of trains for a feeder to a Wales-Ireland car ferry has run into local opposition. B&I Line's new...

Page 23

1010 misguided on private hire bongos— CPT

r OV ER NMENT amendt to the Transport Bill has criticised as "unssary and misguided" by Confederation of British Passenger...

lewport congratulations

■ IAGEMENT, drivers, fit, cleaners and all coned with the efficient run of Newport (Gwent) bus ertaking were warmly sed by the...


Ombudsman for traffic monopolies? AN OMBUDSMAN was needed to pursue obvious questions of maladministration in the nationalised...

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Loads up for road/rail

CARGO capacity is up by 10 per cent on Hako Ferry Service (UK) Ltd's fleet as a result of special design features on its TIR...

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rippled dock dime limps on

E VERNMENTs defeat th introduction of the latD k Labour Scheme is not o be the last attempt to ce rough this part of the tor...

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Security shroud!

IN AUSTRIA Semperit is the largest company in the rubber business. Although it produces a wide range of goods from rubber...

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Horses for course:

I must say straight away that many of us who rush up and down the motorways do not realise just how much effort has to be put...

Page 35


Itavto. , ete iv@ disturbed to read the or (CM, July 14) in which u c ncluded that "there is a ner I lack of awareness in the...

Page 36

Retarders inereas

fety, save cash ALTHOUGH retarders have been a popular fitment on Continental lorries and buses for many years, only during...

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1 1 .11S Of happy

memory Until now almost the only people whose efforts and achievements in the CM Lorry Driver of the Year Competition have not...

Backdoor diplomacy

I am able exclusively to reveal that back-door diplomacy by lain Sherriff, our editor, who is believed in usually well-informed...

Let there be light

Glyn Samuels, the new chairman of the Transport Association, would like to know the metric version of a bushel. A member who...

History at lunch

I recall another luncheon organised by the editor of CM which had profound effects on the road haulage industry. It was held at...


- I should like to see two three other circular bus rou introduced in Central Londoi said Dr Gordon Taylor, the n chairman of...


"Pauline Holloway has IN ten a smashing essay TUs," says TGWU Record is not true that she mar copied out the Indust' Relations...

Rake's progress

Special test models of the advanced passenger train which has caused such controversy among railway workers, are to be run...

Page 43

ise brake is not

e universal ff.!. Graham L T OF people have ;urrd that the disc brake II e the panacea for all 3vy vehicle braking probns. But...

Page 45

amass retreads need ilful tyre butchery

1IL E travelling down the I. t e other day, the inside e oi the leading axle of a ni-trailer ahead of me blew E. The loud,...

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id-weight Boxer's owerful punch

Graham Montgomerie tests LV's medium-weight rigid. AS FAR as the overall commercial vehicle market is concerned, Leyland is...

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Rodgers must do better

COMING appropriately at the end of term, a report from the L hour party says 'that, although Bill Rodgers has made some...

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Automatic adjust cuts fitters' check

WHEN a brake lining comes into contact with a rotating brake drum, it is inevitable that wear must take place at the interface....

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Pirelli's new radial ihoulders the load

ITAIN'S Pirelli Ltd is inching a new tubeless lial ply cv tyre in the UK for a at high speeds over long lances. It is the...

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The Tables of I an lorating Costs ere...

THE 978/79 Commerc Motor Tables of Operat Costs will be publish today, Friday. August 4. 1 content of the tables been extended...

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Roberts northern chief

r- TIOPLE . National Bus has appointed Ralph Roberts, West Yorkshire Road Car general manager, as its northern region group...