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"The Commercial gates Overseas and Conducts Road D URING the summer, when the sun temperature in Iran was in the region of 160...
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Touring and Selling THE need for international, Difficulties Through A or at least European, Regulations . . , standardization...
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Hears— Talk of " post-war discredits." That Londoners abroad pine for the sight of a red double-decker_ _ That rush-hour...
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.Eastern Area Scheme Not Yet Prepared : Resistance Movement Gains Impetus A CONFERENCE of the National Union of Ratepayers'...
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FORTHCOMING EVENTS November 11-19.—Scottish Motor Show, Kelvin Hall. Glasgow. November 28.—Passenger Vehicle Operators...
,O PENING the Scottish Show, last Friday, Viscount Weir called for a bigger allocation of vehicles to the home market....
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, MR. E. C. Woomal e 0.B.E., has joined the board of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd. MR S JAAFAR, Baghdad transport chief, recently...
Rotherham's last trams were withdrawn on Sunday. Jack Olding and Co., Ltd., has opened a new service depot at Liverpool...
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I T was stated by. Nfr. LP. Lord, - .at a luncheon in Glasgow, on Tuesday, that the allocation of steel to the motor industry...
r-LICENCE operators are in very grave. danger,'.' said Cu]. Arthue • ,Terrett,:rtational president, at a luncheon at...
S HORTAGE of spares Was causing Partial paralysis of transport' in the Government's Groundnut' tSCherne . ii 'East Afriea; said...
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N EXT month, a standing joint cornmittee is due to meet to discuss the framework of an agreement embodying salaries and...
during the past 10 years had been the almost complete adoption, in this country, of the direct-injection type of oil engine for...
XPERIM EN TS are being conducted 1--4 by Metallisation Ltd., Dudley, with an electric-arc pistol to melt the feed wire. Full...
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day in Midland Red" buses :and Was therefore particularly interested tO - conspare the normal system" Of springing with the new...
A PIONEER British haulier, Mr. ..t - 1 Robert Hanson - , of Huddersfield, is now introducing oil-engined . vehicles into...
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1 N these' lean times, one must sympathize with the British Road Federation and other organizations endeavouring to obtain some...
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Battery-electric C OMPETITION in the battery‘--- , electric field is increased by the announcement of a new Midland...
F IRST of a batch of six to be delivered, a new Leyland Comet 32-seater coach with bodywork . by Windovers, Ltd., Hendon,...
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A SPEC - I ACULAR demonstration of fire-fighting was staged in a recent test by the Air Ministry Services, when jets of foam 90...
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Interfit By L. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. D URING the hottest part of the year, when the sun temperature was about 160 degrees F....
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The roads in the 1%/1.1.S. area are mostly surfaced with fine chippings, earth and a binding of oil. With this method of road...
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T HE impossible can be done immediately, but miracles take a little longer. This old Army saying came to my mind when I was...
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WHEN an English Electric 80-ton VV transformer was shipped recently to Turku, Finland, it was found that a 90-ton trailer would...
IN the range of industrial measuring instruments made by the General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2,...
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I HAVE been driving buses for 30 years•and although.I at the moment, a member of the Labour Party, I am very. much opposed to...
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for 57 Passengers QPECIALLY constructed for opera tion in the tropics, a fleet of singledeck buses is being produced by Park...
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T HE application of a. gas turbine to road-vehicle propulsion forms the subject of patent No.. 628,201, which comes from J....