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I T could have been very much worse. That will be the verdict of most operators on the proposed new legislation for limiting...
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S WEEPING changes in the permitted driving hours of goods and passenger vehicles were proposed by Mrs. Barbara Castle, Minister...
THE MEMORANDUM noted that a review of the statutory limits on working hours for drivers of goods vehicles and public service...
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Appalled rejection by the p.s.v. operator associations but cautious and qualified acceptance in principle on the goods side of...
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R ELUCTANCE of hauliers to check the weight of their loads often meant that they were constantly underpaid, Mr. C. L. Arlidge,...
BOWIES (ALTRINCHAM) LTD., the haulage contractors of Stockport Road, Timperley, Cheshire, helped to make paperback publishing...
TNSURANCE cover for taking commercial vehicles abroad is likely to cost considerably more soon than the £2 "green card"....
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By Carol Hyams A TER the successful introduction of groupage depots at Salford and Birmingham, the British and Irish Steam...
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1-1 ED by Mr. D. 0. Good, chairman of South Western Traffics and former chairmau of the RHA Devon and Cornwall area, 22...
N EARLY 100 transport specialists and observers from all over the world who had been attending a United Nations seminar on...
O VERTEME worked by two lorry drivers should not be taken into account in calculating their redundancy pay, three judges ruled...
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G ooDs vehicle testing stations ready before the scheme starts in July 1968 will be staffed so that operators can voluntarily...
N EW rules about marking heavy, long or wide loads are likely to stem from the Road Transport Lighting Bill, given a Second...
O VER 1,800 containers a week are now being carried by British Railways and a great expansion of Freightliner terminals is...
711E UK Ministry of Transport has con eluded an arrangement with its Federal Republic of Germany counterpart to facilitate...
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E Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday dismissed an appeal against the decision of the North Western deputy Licensing...
TN Chester on Monday, I. Owen of Minera, 1 Wrexham, successfully applied for a two-vehicle contract A-to-B licence switch. Mr....
A DECISION of the East Midland Traffic PI Commissioners refusing an application by Charles Rickards (Tours) Ltd. for a new...
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TN written judgments this week the Transport Tribunal: (1) dismissed an appeal against the grant in March 1966 1. of six...
A PRIVATE firm of coach hirers had a vehicle suspended for three months this week by Mr. A. B. Birnie, Chairman of the Scottish...
ME TROPOLITAN LA Mr. D. I. R. Muir this week in a written decision granted three vehicles on B licence to Mr. T.D. Read, of...
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l'i H E East Midlands Traffic Commissioners at Nottingham were told on Friday that bus companies made no attempt to attract...
ULSTERBUS is considering going into the Continental tours business. As an experiment this year it is taking about 200 employees...
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T HE National Union of Ratepayers' Associations this week told the Prime Minister and Mrs. Barbara Castle that her proposal to...
By our Political Correspondent Mr S. Barbara Castle has, I understand, opened talks to end the Government's massive liability...
BY .A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT O NE of the most interesting examples of State aid for a bus company— without State control—is to...
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T HE Government was ignoring practical measures to aid the p.s.v. industry, said Shadow Minister of Transport Mr. Peter Walker...
T. W. H. Gailey has been appointed the Transport Holding Company's director of passenger planning to assist it at top level in...
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Immediately available on one model, Borg-Warner Type 35 transmission will soon be offered as optional equipment on range of...
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By A. J. P. Wilding A LTHOUGH retaining the basic engine the transmission units used in the J2 model, the 250 JU features a...
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of VR By A. J. B. WILDING, AM! Mach, E, MIRTE rro meet demands for a 30 ft. overall length on the VR design, Bristol...
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D RAFT regulations have just been announced by the Minister of Transport, proposing—among other things— that drawbar trailer...
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T HAVE written mainly of vehicles so far. 1 Yet the semi-trailer has now gained a solid foothold in haulage, and can well...
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A NEW steam cleaner by Stenor Ltd. operates on domestic paraffin, and after connecting it to a water supply and electric power...
A DEAL of useful information is contained in Technology for Motor Mechanics], written by S. C. Mudd, lecturer in charge of...
D UNLOP have extended the range of their 0.72 tyre to meet new demands in the light van field. The G.72 is a tubeless tyre and...
O F German manufacture but imported into the UK by Grantham Rubber Co., is an electrically operated wheelnut spanner capable of...
F OM Dexion Ltd. come details of anew method of building van body frames to customers' requirements; it is said to save as much...
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View BY THE HAWK Villains, Beware! A PROPRIATELY enough, the fifth anniversary of the first vehicle observer corps—started in...
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M R. W. CRAIG, MP, Minister for Home Affairs, Northern Ireland, attended the Castlereagh (Belfast) eliminating round of the...
T HE BRITISH OXYGEN CO. LTD. has good reason to be proud of its drivers after their impressive performance at the...
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DR IVING an eight-year-old Dodge for the Lockheed Brake Co. at the Coventry Lorry Driver of the Year eliminator on Sunday, P....
rrHE three parts of the guide to 24-hour and 1 emergency service for commercial vehicles which were printed in issues of...
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M UCH of the emphasis in Commercial Motor road tests during the past year has been with vehicles—both rigids and...
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Working party report debated at 69th IPC Conference REPORTED BY ASHLEY TAYLOR, AMIRTE, AssocInstT TECHNICAL aspects of the...
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UK vehicles in Denmark YOUR ARTICLE in COMMERCIAL MOTOR (May 12) dealing with British vehicles in Scandinavia makes most...
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A progress report by Brockington, AMIMechE ATING from June 1958, the use of Deutz F6L514 six- 1 -d" cylinder air-cooled diesel...
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tr LIKE the Pharisee in the parable the haulier would very much wish to be as other men are. Outside interests including...
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A These all relate to the gross or combined weight of a vehicle (and trailers if any) and the load carried. The abreviation...
A This term refers to the connecting drive between the axles in a double-drive bogie. It is normal practice to incorporate a...
A Any amount quoted would not be directly comparable because of variations which have taken place during this period in the...
regulations apply to automatic coupling trailers with a mechanical brake of the type used by British Railways and the Armed...
advantages of installing anti jack-knife devices on articulated vehicles and what reliable statistics are available as to the...
require the services of a hire purchase company. In view of the several failings of insurance and financial companies in recent...
A Because the handbrake acts on the wheels of the single rear axle of a four-wheeler, the maximum efficiency obtainable in...
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p UTTING theory into practice is generally recognized as a difficult exercise. But the difficulty of doing what is virtually...
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by George Wilmot Towards a co-ordinating council for transport education A SUMING some form of co-operation between the...
Duple pre-tax profits slump by £102,500 in 10 months DRE-TAX profits of Duple Motor Bodies for the first 10 months I of the...