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T HE Table of Wages Scales which appears as a supplement to this issue of The Commercial Motor is something which our readers...
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make, in our . leading article this week, concerning the complication of the Road Haulage Wages Act, and referring to our...
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That the Government help to the railways enables the latter to help 'themselves. That Dunlop advertisements will appear in...
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FUEL RATION FOR PRODUCER. GAS VEHICLES INCREASED T HE present basic ration of liquid fuel fixed by the Minister of Transport...
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Please advise me upon the following :—I am a haulier running a 30-cwt. Bedford. 1 have a contract with the local council for...
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Justified? D ISCUSSING motor-vehicle repair L./charges in war-time, at a meeting of the Leeds Section of the Institute of the...
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IT will be remembered that the 1 C.M.U.A. has repeatedly urged the Minister of Transport to authorize the regular operation of...
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ON on TYRE WEAR Studious Attention to An Important Tyrelife Factor Which Can Bring About Useful Economies How Better and...
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N Ewapplications of the two-wheeled trailer always seern - to be appearing. An example, of fairly recent introduction, is a...
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In Parliament By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent RAILWAY FACILITIES ALREADY OVERTAX ED L AST week, in the House of...
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First Principles ; Which Were Set Out in a Previous Article, to Determine the Rate to Quote for a Specified Class of Traffic...
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Novel American Booster Unit, Designed to Enable Vehicles to Run More Efficiently and to Maintain Faster Schedules at Reduced...
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A GOOD summary, containing many valuable comments and facts, was made by C. M. Walter, D.Sc., M.Inst.Gas E., A.M.I.E.E., in a...
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Those Who Run Bedfords By F. S. Groom Editor, " The Bedford Transport Magazine." F ROM time to time the Minister of Supply...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT RAIL PROFITS FROM BUS PROSPERITY A CCORDING to the annual report of the directors of the Great Western...
rRITICISM of Glasgow's bus and .—.tram services were, as mentioned briefly in last week's issue, rebutted by Mr. Robert F....
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Leiters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
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Departure from Liquid Fuel Impracticable Except for Negligible Proportion of Existing Transport Equipment. Hydrogenation...
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An Ingenious Device by Which Lubricant is Fed to the Inlet Manifold During the Early Stages of Running After Start ing From...
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A Risme of Patent Specifications that Have Recently Been Published A DESIGN of steering mechanism, intended to permit...
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SCHEDULES Conditions of Employment ; s Guaranteed Week and Guara ecia Cases ; Application of the teed Day ; Holidays with Pay...