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19th August 1938
19th August 1938
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Page 1, 19th August 1938

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Help From Chambers of Commerce

T HE Council of the Motor Agents Association recently asked motor traders to establish closer cooperation with their local...

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Passing Comments

An Apology Due to A SCOTTISH reader, well Our Many Scottish r - Lknown as an executive of Readers an important English passen...

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One Hears

That the fly-over is no longer to be the aeroplane's monopoly. That thousands would like "eight lovelies in van," but the...

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A warning to operators is conveyed by the East Midland Licensing Authority, in a special notice just issued. It is ,stated that...

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Municipal Purchases and Proposals

Coulsdon Urban District Council is to obtain tenders For the supply of a gully emptier. Cardiff Corporation has authorised the...

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Well-equipped New Dyson Cable Trailer

A Special-purpose Machine Devised for High Efficiency in Operation and for the Safety of Operatives [WHEN the volume Of work...

Promising Results

from I.A.E. Bearing Temperature Tests AODERN tendencies in both oil and iVipetrol-engine development are towards higher...

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Meeting the Requirements of Television

WITH the further development of the VV B.B.C. television service comes the necessity for transport vehicles designed and built...

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How To Assess Your Tyre Costs

It Pays to Make a Close Analysis of Tyre Costs on an Average Basis H OW many small operators realize "that a journey of, say,...

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Improving Fuel Consumption Figures

of the Three-wheeler Why Initial Test Returns Do Not Materialize When Machines are Put into Actual Operation By A Service...

Full Marks for Philips Coach Radio 'THUNDERY weather conditions are

I not the most suitable for demonstrating radio, but, despite the fact that electrical storms prevailed throughout the evening,...

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What it Costs to Preserve Reliability

Maintenance Work as it Ought to be Carried Out and Some Indication as to What it is Likely to Cost Solving the Problems of the...

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Road Transport Means Safety for "Skiffs"

A Haulage Company — W. Ballard and Son, Ltd., of Twickenham— Specializes in the Transport of Racing Craft B EAUTIFULLY built...

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Thornycroft's Latest Searchlight Lorries

Sturdy " -type Tilt Wagons with Forward-mounted Generators. War Office Places New Order for 400 A N important branch of the...

Is This the Transmission of the Future ?

A NEW automatic gear-change device, which experts in the car industry believe may eventually be widely applied to all motor...

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What the Associations Are Doing

MR. WINSON AT C.M.U.A. BRIGHTON AREA. An interesting talk was given to the Brighton and District Area of the C.M.U.A., during...

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Twin-steering 40-seater

for Coach and Bus Service Leyland Gnu with Duple Body for Operation by City Coach Co., Ltd., between London and Southend...

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Transport Aspects in the Philippines

Passenger carrying is an Organized and Regulated Business ; Goods-carrying Has Still to be Supervised T HERE must be few parts...

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and QUERIES COST FIGURES FOR OVERLOADED VEHICLES. [5426] With reference to your Tables of Operating Costs, can you help me...

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A REPORT issued by Lancashire County Council states that since the beginning of the present financial year it has approved...


A RRANGENIENTS have been prac/ - 1 tically completed between Glasgow Transport Committee, the Highland Transport Co., Ltd., and...

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THE Town Clerk has been instructed I by Yarmouth Town Council to oppose an application to the Traffic Commissioners by the...


A N outer circle bus route is to be instituted by Coventry Corporation Transport Department as an experiment, next month. The...

Modern Police Systems Demand Motors

How the Forces of a Great Manufacturing County Make Use of Up-to-date Vehicles P RIVATE police cars are well known to members...

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Compact Reduction Gear for Starters

A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published T HEproblem of reducing the high speed of a starter-motor...