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4th April 1952
4th April 1952
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Page 1, 4th April 1952

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Professional versus Amateur

T HIS is an age of specialization. For every trade and industry there is an appropriate advisory board or council of,...

Passing Comments

Welded "Channel" Side-Int:Others A N intriguing example of frame design on a heavy " vehicle was seen at the Swiss Show. To...

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One Hears

-Ofa coming shortage of natural rubber. That Mr. C. G. Vokes has been selling his bows, arrows and other weapons. That ....

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Compensation Delay : Court Case

FNELA . Y by the . British • Transport Li Commission in payipg compensa tion to a group haulage companies . resulted in the...

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Three Operators Refused on Appeal

A N appeal by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd. North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., and Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd.,...

R.H.E. Made Profit Last Year

AHINT that the Road Haulage - Executive, which incurred a loss of about Lim. in 1950, had made a profit last year, was given at...

Brake Efficiency : Operators' Views

THROUGH' their associations, 1 passenger-transport operators have told the Ministry of Transport that 20 per cont. g. [unladen]...

Page 32

Men in t he News

Sta. BERNARD DOCKER, K.B.E., has been elected president of the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund. MR. I. W. Davws, a...

"Worst . Legislation

• in 40 Years" THE Transport. Act was the Worst piece of legislation he • had encountered in .40 years' experience, Mr. • J....

Page 33

Public Not Saddled with Whole of Rising Costs

INCREASED costs were not regarded Ias necessarily having to be wholly passed on to the public, said Mr. W. T. James, chairman...

New Coach Station for Birmingham

E only non-con - thine coach station in Birmingham has been opened by Allenways, ,Ltd., Moseley Street,. Birmingham, in a...

Page 34

Trent and Barton Fares Rising : Attack on Workers' Concessions

L AST week, Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd., received . permission to .raise charges m accordance with the applicatmn heard by...

Mr. Deakin Supports Operators

A N attack on the "unfair criticism of public transport operators was made by Mr. Arthur Deakin, general secretary of the...

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Do Low-viscosity Lubricants Increase Engine Wear?

T HE effects on engine wear of using thin oils formed one of the main subjects of discussion following the reading of a paper,...

Research on Brake Performance

lt/lEASUREMENTS by the Road al-Research Laboratory of the braking distances of goods vehicles are the subject of comment in...

Page 38

Railway Attitude Depends on.. Shares

WHEN Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., YY applied last week to the Scottish Licensing Authority to operate its Manchester-Glasgow...

Stolen Load : Charge Could Not be Made

U NDER common law, if carriage, implying delivery, of goods was not effected, the carrier could not demand payment. Mr. 1. D....

Page 39

B.R.F. Surprised by 71d. on Fuel "H AvING regard to the fact

that the Conservative party voted against the previous increases in the motor fuel duty in 1950 and 1951, the British Road...

Weight Cut in New Trailer

T HE first of a new series of 15-cwt. trailers, incorporating several interesting features, has been put into production by the...

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Robust and

Lively — The M.T.N • Eagle By Lau rence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. W HEN testing the Eagle 6-7-tonner I was reminded of John...

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Fleet Renewal at Low. Cost

O NE of the greatest difficulties encountered by a passenger. vehicle operating concern is to keep its rolling stock in good...

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I N the spring, the operator's fancy lightly turns to what the coachbuilder has been worrying about all through the winter....

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A Vehicle-fitted Timber Hoist

A HYDRAULIC hoist designed for fitting to a vehicle has recently been introduced into this country by J. R. Gordon and Co., 14,...

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Building a Bus Body on "Bogies"

0 NE of the most striking postwar vehicle rehabilitation program - lays carried out by a public servi c e vehicle operator is...

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Modern Pits Speed Up Maintenance

B OTH the standard of work and th: speed with which it is carried out are largely governed by the facilities available and the...

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Opinions and Queries

Reducing Fuel Consumption VOUR readers should be indebted to C. D. H. Stead I for his data on fuel consumption, published in...

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E. H. B. Palmer writes ...

An Open . Letter to an M.P. Dear Member of Parliament, • T HIS letter is addressed to you and to every other Member who...

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Political Commentary By JANUS

The Debate Continues T HE London fares dispute is a fascinating spectacle. It provides an outstanding example of Transport Man...

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What a Newcomer

Wants to Know "The Commercial Motor Costs Expert Deals with an Inquiry from a Driver who has Recently Acquired the Business of...

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Showroom for Photographic Equipment

T HE recent acquisition by Johasons of Hendon, Ltd„ maker of chemical and photographic equipment, of a mobile showroom; . has...

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A Constant-velocity Universal Joint

A UNIVERSAL joint said to give a riL constant-velocity output forms the subject of patent No. 666,046, which Oarnes from W. E....