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One Hears

4th April 1952, Page 29
4th April 1952
Page 29
Page 29, 4th April 1952 — One Hears
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

-Ofa coming shortage of natural rubber.

That Mr. C. G. Vokes has been selling his bows, arrows and other weapons.

That . presumably he has filtered this collection of antiques.

• That Mrs. F. D. Fitz-Gerald's maiden speech stopped the show at Plymouth, Of many complaints about the injustice of the knock-for-knock insurance arrangement.

That The Engineers' Guild maiden dinnersmoker in London last Thursday, was voted a great success. — That the three parent institutions have appointed liaison committees to work with the Guild.

From the National Physical Laboratory of ingenious ways of covering glass with thin films of metal which can be oxidized.

That a metal oxide-glass sandwich could be used as a windscreen electrically heated internally.

That the Chad Valley Co. has produced six attractive jigsaw puzzles with B.R.S. vehicles as the subjects, each containing 120 plywood pieces. That the United Nations Convention on Road Traffic came into force on March 26.

That it is designed to remove obstacles to road transport at international boundaries, and to promote safety.

From a reader that our headline "What they said about the Thl." proved that, at any rate, it was not unprintable. — That, considering the provocation, this is a great tribute to British self-control.

That Viscount flinchingbrooke has raised great expectations by his reference to "a large surgical operation on the Transport Commission."

Of hopes that it will remove many sins of commission.