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15th June 1979
15th June 1979
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Page 1, 15th June 1979

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Cut credit out

As the Chancellor delivered his first Budget speech on Tuesday, the Opposition benches offered no more than token disapproval....

Page 5

Hauliers dig in for long dery shortage

BRITAIN'S hauliers are coping with the fuel crisis, despite reports that some companies in the South West and the Liverpool...

udget '79

SICREASE in the rate of ving by two per cent will vely increase the cost of .afts to 17 per cent. This tuation which operators...

TGWU Midlands shop stewards are to meet in Wolverhampton on Sunday to discuss EEC regulations on increased lorry weights.

The UK is bound to implement any increase in the EEC standard maximum weight. The union has already warned that it opposes an...

Page 6

Rogue Who coupling

VEHICLE MANI TUREFtS are saving pen the cost of pounds to tors by fitting spurit non-standard drive cat tachograph heads, i...

Eurofund handout

Nearly £1.3m has been set aside for four road projects in England by the European Regional Development Fund. This EEC Fund...

Roadline's invasion

ROADLINE has started a new service designed to open u] Highlands by offering new collection and delivery faciliti Inverness,...

Page 7

eet insurance )sts set to rise

IERS — and van fleet operators — with large excesses in comprehensive cover or with third party fire and theft. ince should...

tick door subsidy

TRAFFIC MANAGER toyed by W. Alexander & (Northern) Ltd, told a ring of the Traffic Cornsioners in Dundee on 7 that Alexander's...

Sealink's new dock

A NEW £4m harbour development for Sealink Scotland ferries, which carry more than 250,000 vehicles and 800,000 passengers on...

Salford A6 bottleneck uncorked

WORK WILL START next year on the removal of the Windsor Bridge roundabout, the last bottleneck on the A6 through Salford. When...

All the details on file

ALL VEHICLES in Great Britain are now recorded on du computer at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre in Swan. sea,...

Page 14

FOUR WHEELERS: 3 ERF 54G 4 wheeler, 22ft. platform, 16

tons gross, fitted 5LW Gardner engine, 557/480 D/B Box 18802 Eaton 2 speed rear axle. First registered 1967. 4 ERF 54G 4...

Page 19

bdials are lasting oo long —tyre maker

tE MANUFACTURERS are it steel ply tyres have a long spokesman for Semperit CM in Vienna this week radial steel tyres are so...

Playing safety games

THE MANAGEMENT Development Division of the Road Transport Industry Training Board has produced a unique Health and Safety...

oss's wrong route

L LET YOU OFF with a fiver," said Sheriff Isobel Sinclair, , to a lorry driver at Stirling, and she added: "1 hope your...

German firsts at Hamburg

HAMBURG's International Transport Show has brought together the latest developments in commercial vehicle and psv design from...

Swedish limits

THE SWEDISH Government has announced measures tc reduce petrol consumptior next winter to avoid rationini and has ordered...

Page 20

Access-only plan is not needed in York

HEAVY VEHICLES should not be banned from York despite the pleas of environmentalists, according to the North Yorkshire engineer...

Vehicle leasers booming

BUSINESS is booming leasing companies. A survey which investig 231 companies nations showed that almost all I had massive...

Your ears are at ris

DEAFNESS in lorry driver an industrial injury, says a Transport and Gene Workers Union official. Road transport commerc group...

Incentive to change

FUEL TAX increases will increase costs, the Freight Transport Association has told the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Prices had...

Lorry drivers line up

CLASS WINNERS from previous years struck again in the East Midlands heats of CM's Lorry Driver of the Year Competition. The...

Page 21

'ermit forgeries put thole system at risk

kSSIVE fraud that "could have destroyed the whole basis of nternational permit system" came to an end when seven Wants pleaded...

Save fuel with retreads

THE BRITISH Government should follow the example set by the French Government and save by fuel encouraging the use of retreads,...

Oil delivery racket

TANKER DRIVERS have been accused of delivering short loadt to oil company customers and disposing of the rest of the loac...

Page 22

Brake failure blamed for runaway tanker

A TRANSPORT company was maintain a tanker which ran out its brakes failed. Southdown Transport Ltd, of Pound Lane, Thatcham,...

'No central deals for drivers' wages'

TRANSPORT and General Workers Union Scottish commercial group secretary Peter Talbot has called for the union to block any...

Transport teachers

TRANSPORT LECTURERS are invited to attend the at conference of the Organisation of Teachers of Transport end of the month. The...

Page 23

our firm caught out y the missing words

ACH FIRM was caught out when it left off two words from ficial application for new British tours. • the two extra words led...

Interim increases on the way

MANY National Bus subsidiary companies are applying for small interim fares increases. These are in tended to combat increased...

Transfer bus big success

GREATER GLASGOW PTE's recently launched City Happer service, designed to provide a last link between Glasgow's two main railway...

is trade

fho's Who VEL and Transport Ltd of gate Street, London EC I niblished a new edition of vular guide to the public ors of the...

LT right over parking

A POLICE REPORT has backed London Transport's view that bus services are delayed by illegal parking on a massive scale....

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Making a splash in the high street

BUS DRIVER Ronald Tibble found himself in deep water with the law the day he was accused of driving his bus through a puddle....

New LT nerve centr

LONDON TRANSPORT'S radio-controlled buses now have a new central control room in Baker Street. The new centre, which replaces...

Heathrow take-over

WHYTE'S AIRPORT Services are extending their servk Heathrow Airport from July 1, when they will take ov( long-term car park to...

Recruiting on the run

LONDON TRANSPORT is stepping up its drive to recruit more bus staff by converting an AEC Swift single-deck bus into a mobile...

Good bus business at NEC

DESPITE PROBLEMS, the 1978 Motor Show was a success for the West Midlands PTE, The PTE made £108,000 surplus on the park and...

Page 25

lack to build in Lams

CK's UK distributors have the US parent company's ihead to assemble the ise-Hauler in Lancashire. ick Curcio, executive...

Brakes in Liverpool

FRICTION MATERIAL manufacturer Trist Draper has opened a new service depot in Liverpool. The new 4000sqft (370sqm) building...

Biological deruster works on restoration

CM has made some initial tests on the DIP Metal Hygiem rust-removing product recently announced in this country. This product,...

Easy access body

NEVILLE-Charrold Ltd of Mansfield is now producing specially designed access ladders which can be easily attached to aluminium...

lobile )ck up ench

'ORTABLE bench has been - oduced to the "Welfix" tare tube frame bench ge made by the Welcon uct Company of rningham. It is...

ull side access van

IE LATEST VAN to enter -vice with Control Comments Ltd, of Corby, Nortints is a 24-ton-gvw 6x2 rd fitted with a 127kw 'Obhp)...

Auto-stop washer

COST-SAVING, efficiency and safety are the claimed advat tages of the latest Pan-Aqua range of hot and cold wat( high-pressure...

Page 26

Rood transport graduates a mid-term progress repor

FOR MOST of its history the road transport industry provided its highly competitive services, to the general satisfaction of...

Page 29

;traw in heir ears

'VOULD like to make one small ply to LT chairman Ralph mnett's statement (CM. May 1). He says: - Under LT's bus an, new...

2erman nemoir

HAD a distinct déjà vu sensaon when I read the item eaded "Faithful but gormless" 7,M, May 18) by the Hawk. inly the previous...

Backing Britain

I REFER to the article 4. May 11) - UK builders export world wide." With figures like 127,439 vehicles exported, worth £441m,...

Surprising omission

YOUR FEATURE "Don't be caught on the Continent" (CM, June 1, 1979) contains a surprising omission in that it does not mention...

Depression in Blackpoo

THIS YEAR'S National Coat Rally at Blackpool was held miserable weather which r doubt depressed your writer much as everyone...

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Complex skill of man-imanagemem

Alan Millar sits in on the BRS management development course at Aston University and talks to some of the managers of the futu...

Page 36

The Engineering Editor talks to Brian Leverton, director and chi

engineer of Rolls-Royce Motors, diesel division, on various aspec of current and future engine design and performance IF THERE...

Page 38

Oxford training

for high tension The bus driver's lot is a difficult one in these days of one-man operation and traffic jams. Noel IV illier...

Page 43

Driving school'

kigh pass rate David Wilcox visits Western Transports own driving school; which has branched out into ins - ruction for...

Page 46

Accent the positive

The encouragement of "positive" cricket is one of the aims of the new Holt Products Trophy. This is not to be confused with...


For their part, ERF and their distributors are encouraging goSfers. They are inviting operators to play in four matches at the...

Why the boom?

Manufacturers expected a decline in commercial vehicle sales this year and they cannot explain the current boom. According to...

Leave well

Although I am no advocate of nationalisation, I would regard any attempt by the Government to dismember the National Freight...

Load of rubbish

A special centenary train consisting of historic catering vehicles will make a commemorative run from Leeds to Kings Cross in...

Commons driving rep

Mark Thatcher, the Prime Minister's son, a 24-year-old accountant, is working with Ian Sayer, managing director of the...

Back in the teapot

A WEST MIDLAND depoi manager of a warehouse and distribution concern in a Transport Development Group Cornpany, who wishes to...

Page 51

When an hgv isn't...

;ERMAN firm has made an Jsual breakthrough in exting fully the legal possibil3 of maximum-weight opera' for non-hgv drivers....

Mercedes wide variant

FITTED with axles and Other components already used in the Mercedes-Benz 0.309 minibus, new wide-body variants of the...

'arm cuts fuel use by 5%

EASURES designed to save argy in rail and road services erated by the Paris Transport thority — RATP — include ts in heating...

Page 52

No excuses for failing to train

Today, more than ever, it is necessary to have a well trained workforce ven if that force is only one man. Bill Brock describes...

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Changing skills in mid-career

Brian Chalmers-Hunt describes the TOPS retraining scheme and interviews e manager of Poplar's Skikentre, ROAD HAULAGE is to...

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I A life of its own

John DarKer analyses e role of ne Road Transpo Inclustry Training Board since its inception twelve years ago and finds that...

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Rhythm versus the tachograph `There is already no statutory room for the driver who wants to do his own thing' OWEVER strong...

Page 81

EW OFFICERS have been ected by the Electric hicles Association at its angal general meeting last eek.

Lord Ironside was re-elected . esident and the new airman is N. E. H. Wade of insing Ltd, with Dr B. D. lwards of Chloride...

Jim Oliver, 63, becomes general manager of the Watling District

covering north-west London and part of Hertfordshire; Fred Austin, 58, moves from managing bus operations in east and north-,...

Seven common pitfalls in trailer rentalsmand how to avoid them.

. The mileage ploy. You'd expect to be charged mileage on a rented 'actor. But on a trailer? That's really not on. A lot of...