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T HE GOOD driver is rather like the sound man of business—he is not spectacular, and, because of that, he is overlooked by...
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Of transport starvation on Stoke rationing. Of many Sunday services run by Dr. Greenfields. That trains often cause both...
, Mason's taxi had been much in demand, but, so far as tips went, the evening had been a dud. When a prosperous-looking couple...
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! 4 I'lie wheels of wealth will be slowecl by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Many Bus Requirements are Diametrically Opposed, and in this Article We Give the Views of an American Engineer on How They...
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Our Offer of £250 as Awards for Ideas Aiming at the Reduction of Road Danger HE OFFER of the proprietors of The Commer dal...
Sir,—It is_ difficult to determine without statistics how far the number of road accidents during the past year have increased...
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Sir,—I am quite in agreement with the contention of The Commercial Motor that, on the whole, the drivers of goods vehicles and...
Sir,—As chairman of the London " Safety First" C ouncil, I welcome the prominence the Press has given, and continues to give,...
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Sir,—I have pleasure in giving the following expression of opinion with regard to the driving of goods vehiclee and, public...
Sir,—You ask for Mr. Selfridge's views on the much-discussed ,question—" carelessness in the driving of motor vehicles," and as...
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Larger Boiler and Engine and Three-speed Gear, Modified Nickel-steel Frame and Ball-bearing Crankshaft, some of the New...
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Details of a New Transmission System in Which Silent Chains Are Used. T" " ARunder review aims at providing an infinite number...
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Details of the 20-25 h.p. Ruston and Hornsby Model and the Complete Ambulance just Completed for the City of Lincoln. D URING...
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A Unit which is Becoming Increasingly Popular. T HE. observant, will probably have noticed that during the last 12 months . or...
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\W HEN WE saw the Super-Sentinel tractor in the ea a early stages of its development, few months ago, we were impressed not...
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Devices that Facilitate Manufacture„ Repair, Running, and Maintenance of Commercial Motor Vehicles. T HE FACT that the...
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Investigating a Contract on Which Trailers Might Be Employed With Advantage. I PROPOSE, here, to pursue still further the...
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In Previous Articles we have Discussed Fully the Various Parts that go to Make Up the Best Type of Wireless Receiver. We now...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver, and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. ADVERTISING PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION. How the Dissemination of...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Three Tracks, One for Steering, the Others for Driving ; Hydraulic Steering Gear, and a New Design of Track Shoe, Claimed to be...
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I NTERESTING particulars concerning the commercial motor industry of the Union of South Africa are contained in the finely...
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How to Get the Best Out of a Vehicle, to Secure Reliability and to Avoid Trouble. 423.—The Care of the Friction Pump Drive on...
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Some Instructive Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. T HE suggestion of " W.G.W.," of Pimlico, which refers to...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. LA. A N INTERESTING and incenious infinitely variable gear, which embodies epicyclic...