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A SIGNAL victory that should he welcomed by. all road-transport operators has been secured by a big haulage concern in a "...
T HE results of the visit to the motor highways of Germany by the German Roads Delegation will be watched with the greatest...
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Marketing Scheme for THE conflict of opinion as Sugar Beet Is Being I regards the Success of Delayed Marketing Boards already...
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Of a German Roads delegate who asked for a dry Martini and was surprised at receiving three (drei). That because our roads do...
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pretation of the Appeal Tribunal's ruling in the Smart case was expressed by Mr. W. Chamberlain, North Western Licensing...
In the next issue of The Commercial Motor will appear a well-illustrated technical survey of tendencies in French...
It is announced that J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., of West Bromwich, has purchased the entire share capital of the Vulcan Motor...
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A fair number of orders for motor vehicles and allied products was given out by Government Departments during August last. The...
CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. G OODS in transit on motor vehicles are particularly susceptible to damage by rain and mist. For not only...
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" It is time that rate-cutting among sugar-beet' hauliers in Lincolnshire had stopped, after four years' experience," declared...
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New regulations concerning the speed limits of track-laying vehicles and vehicles drawing track-laying trailers are contained...
AST week, All ,British Carriers, J...Ltd., Newport, Mon., applied to the South Wales Licensing Authority for permission to...
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Setting Profits from One Vehicle Against Losses from Another : Is It Worth While? T fiE previous article described part of a...
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The 22 4 M P.s, Road Surveyors and Other Representatives Were Afforded Invaluable Opportunities of investigating Conditions in...
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Perkins In troduc m.p.h. Goods Chu PassengerVehicle Lower than tha litre Power Unit for ,30Light and Medium-weight tt-to-power...
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A N extraordinary decision by the Hinckley justices concerning an employer's liability for the actions of his servants, was...
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Vigorous Defence of Systems of Appointin g Licensing Authorities and Hearing App hattions for Goods TransportLicenses. C.M.0 ....
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TO DAY Fines that Represent Staggering Burdens for Working Men are Daily Inflicted on Commercial Drivers F OR some reason...
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Significant Facts About Health of Drivers Revealed by Medical Examination Carried Out by Big Organization By John Walton...
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ROAD GROUP FOUR YEARS TOO LATE. Formation of the Parliamentary Road Group took place four years too late, said Major the Hon....
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Road Test No. 264 Sturdily Built 4-tonner Proves Itself Highly Suitable for Hard Service Under Exacting Conditions:...
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Master Battery Switch (I N more than one occasion in the ‘../past we have expressed the view that a switch, by which the...
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and QUERIES MORE CONCERNING SCANDALOUS PENALTIES ON DRIVERS. [5161] We note, from the issue of The Commercial Motor dated...
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with Manceuytable Body Til accompanying illustrations show a particularly neat l of trailer chassis and body, manufactured to...
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Safety in All Phases Covered by Papers and Visits in Programme of This Week's National Conference AFETY in all its aspects is...
I N Oxfordshire, a special sub-committee of the county council has made some attempt, with the aid of a specially appointed...
D EALING with the safety problem from the point of view of public service vehicle operation, Mr. C. R. Tattam stresses the...
claims are explained at length by Mr. S. A. Webb. He mentions that the vehicles of London Transport, which he represents, are...
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Lighting Needed P UBLIC authorities should be compelled to light their streets, says Mr. Arthur Cunnington. Moreover, new,...
Road Criticisms C OMMON criticisms of Britishs roads are countered by Lt.-Col. A. C. Hughes. He points out that the variation...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT Court Holds Car was Feeder T HE transport of four people by car Horn Halifax toBradford, where they joined...
A CRITICAL reference to Traffic Commissioners in relation to licence applications by large companies was made by a barrister,...
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DARTICULARS showing the saving which would be .effected in thes.ext five to seven years, on changing over from. trams to...
T HE clause in the Road Traffic Act requiring the Traffic Commissioners to be informed when one operator acquires a financial...
A FTER consultation with the associations affected, the Minister of Transport has issued 'certain amendments to the Motor...
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requirements for. starting and slow running, a retarded timing and a high injection velocity. Whilst the latter can be obtained...