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A T last the Minister of War Transport has come to a decision concerning the possibility of sions and weights of public-service...
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Goodyear Co mpan y A S a result of a new process In creases Synthetic 1-1 perfected by the Goodyear Rubber Supply . . . Tyre...
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That stocks of natural rubber are lower than ever. Of die-bards who regard any speed raising as hair raising. —1-0 That if a...
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MORE PROGRESS WITH GROUPING T HE next general meeting in London of the National Association of Road Transport Groups will be...
ber 30 last, Dennis Bros., Ltd., recommends the payment of a final dividend of lid, per Is. share, less tax, making with the...
MR. M. J. B. Witirav and MR. T. M. PRIESTEY have been appointed to the board of the Anti-Attrition Metal Co., Ltd.' THE EARL...
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HE user rebate scheme in the I revised Post-Control Tyre Distribution Plan was cited by Mr. Benjamin Spink, chairman of the new...
S PEAKING at the a.g.m. of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, held on November '22, the chairman, Mr....
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A T the second annual general meeting of the Council of Retail Distributors, held last week, the following was proposed by the...
NEW COMPANIES Martin Field (Haulage). Ltd.-Private company. deg. November 13. Cap. 4E6,000 in 41 shares. To carry on the...
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What Are the Chances for the Ex-Serviceman in Road Haulage? WITH the advance of the Allied Vir Forces, and the now frequent...
Points From an Explanatory Letter Written to a Bus Committee Chairman A LETTER from Sir A. T. V. .1 - 1 Robinson, Regional...
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N 0 greater variety of powered vehicles can ever have been known in the history of mechanical transport than that now...
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I NCLUSION of a disciplinary safe guard in the set-up crf.the new Leeds road haulage group, was approved at a recent meeting of...
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Paris and Brussels are in thz Transition Period. Street Tiaffic in Both Cities is Mostly Military. hut Civil Transport is...
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A T a luncheon held on November 22 tisby the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, the toast of the Conference...
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R EFERRING to the article headed "A Review of I %Trailer and Trailer Body Design" in the November 10 issue of "The Commercial...
I HAVE read with interest the description of the Brockhouse Turbo Transmitter in your issue of November 3, and venture to...
A S a reader of "The Commercial Motor," can you allow me sufficient space in your next issue to make a comment on Mr. F....
HAVE seen some interesting references recently con' cerning presentations to old employees. It might interest you, and the...
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W E observe the report on page 279 of your issue dated November 17 concerning consideration being given by the Durham County...
T MUCH appreciate the Editorial comment in your issue A of October 27 in reference to my leaflet suggesting that British...
C ONCERNING your leading article of November 17, " The Lay Press and Road Accidents," it is an unfortunate " failing " that...
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A New-type Ventilator for Passengervehicle Interiors' and Goods-vehicle Cabs Which Ensures a Free Circulation of Fresh Air I T...
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Preventive Examination Suggested as a Safeguard; A War-time Operator's Experience in This and Other Fields I N the course of a...
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A Résumé of Patent,Specif ica lions That Have Recently Been Published T O control the air inlet of an engine in accordance with...