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10th June 1915
10th June 1915
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Page 1, 10th June 1915

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Motorvan Service in the Country.

We have both influenced and recorded, during the past 10 years, all stages of the progress of motorvan delivery in country...

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One Hears

Thz following Rumours, of which the Press Bureau has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take...

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Our Despatches from the Front (No. 40)

A Foden Under Fire. The Working of the French Subsidy Scheme "Made in France." Famine in Magnetos. France Finds Man with "Push...

Page 6

An Eighty-five cwt. Napier Chassis.

Nominally a 51.-ton Commercial Vehicle, this Chassis will Support a Gross Load of 85 cwt., Including the Weight of Body,...

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The Wheels of Industry.

This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national...

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At the Guildhall (Police Summons Court), before Alderman Sir Horace Brooks Marshall, on Friday, 28th May, Frank Bristow...

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Commercial Motors and Country Dwellers.

By a Country Housewife. I have often read of the "great lumbering motor" that has neutralized the pleasures of dwelling in the...

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What Users Tell Us

Interview 38 Impressions of a Manufacturing Chemist. We have, in the course of this series of articles, published the views...

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It will be granted that the gearbox giving two speeds forward and one reverse, and involving the use of only three gearwheels...

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Concerning American Trucks.

By HENRY STURMEY. Ever since my fisist visit to the motor industry of the United -States—auch as it was then—in 1898, I have...

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Opinions from Others.

Electric Vehicle Costs. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [1427] Sir,—In "What Users Tell Us," published in your issue for...

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Sheet Metal.

Mr. J. H. Randall Concludes the Story of His Interesting Experiences. • We next tried to make radiators similar to thoee with...

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Answers to Queries.

The Best Form of Road Log. [2676] (Kent).—We have no standard log to recommend. Each trade seems to be inchned_to adopt its...

To the A.S.C., M.T., on Active Service.

Iiitached Units. Will the aCs of A.S.C., M.T., detachments or separate units, which are not classified with Columns, Parks o r...

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The Purchase t Department.

Where to Buy your Supplies. You Can Get It At " Ea" (Wigan).—You can obtain Gleason-Peters garage pump from Brown Brothers,...

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rw. Drivers &Mechanics

TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...

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Patents Completed.

Napier Valve - gear. Albion Dynamo Driving. Another Four-wheel Drive. Copies of complete specifications of the patents...