The Purchase t Department.
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Where to Buy your Supplies.
You Can Get It At " Ea" (Wigan).—You can obtain Gleason-Peters garage pump from Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.G.
"MS." (Dover).—The Longuemare-Hardy carburetter for which you inquire can be obtained from E. J. Hardy and Co., Ltd., Coventry.
" D.K." (City).—A new commercial-vehicle headlight has recently been designed by Bleriot, Ltd., 57, Long Acre, London, W.C., from whom you can obtain full particulars.
" M.A." (Birmingham).—To prevent the troubles you have with your radiator you should use Boilerine radiator tablets, made by Boilerine, Ltd., Old Kent Road, London, S.E. These tablets have been proved to be very. effective for similar troubles to that which you mention.
Catalogue Received.
We have received from Brown Brothers, Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.G., a copy of the latest catalogue issued by the engineering. department of the New Departure, Manufacturing Co., Bristol, Connecticut, U.S. A., which fully describes the ball bearings manufactured by this long-established concern.
It is plainly printed and contains numerous line illustrations showing the various uses to which these bearings can be applied. The information is furnished in loose leaf form, so that additional sheets, which will be issued at frequent intervals, can be added. The catalogue contains much useful information relating to the application and mounting of this type of ball bearing, which should be helpful to those Interested.
A New Brazing Process. • A new brazing process has recently been perfected, for which great claims are made. Most of the disadvantages of other forms of brazing and welding are claimed to have been successfully overcome, and reliable results are stated to be obtainable.
Before dealing with this new process, it would be as well to point out the difficulties in the way of successfully brazing east-iron, Great heat is first necessary to secure a proper running of the spelter and its amalgamation with the fracture. This heat will cause the formation of carbon monoxide, which will form bubbles in the :snelter, and will thus militate against the success of the repair. This film of gas will also cause a separating layer between the two parts of a fracture, again preventing a proper join. The carbon content' "Of this gas is obtained from the iron or steel, and the removal of this element in part from the metal being operated upon will result in an alteration in its properties, the chief drawback being an increased .brittleness in the renaired part.
In the new process all thee drawba.eks are iwoided. A special compound flux is nAed, which fiist, causes s reduction of all oxides in the material being worked. It then forms a coating on the metal, which prevents any deleterious action by the atmosphere. During the process there is never any free carbon present and therefore no tendency for tho
B54 metal to become brittle. No carbon monoxide is formed which can cause bubbles in the spelter, and thus, at the end of the job, the join is perfectly homogeneous. Considerable difficulty was at first experienced hi securing suitable blow-lamps for heating the spelter. Those nnally selected give a flame perfectly devoid of free carbon, which would introduce difficulties. The process was invented and perfected by Cast Iron Braziers and Metallurgists, Ltd., 2, Gough Street, Elm Street, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. The actual work can be seen there in operation. If 'necessary repairs can sometimes be effected to the damaged part in situ. The foregoing has been culled from " The Motor" and should be interesting to our readers.
De Dion-Bouton Commercial Vehicles.
Makers of commercial vehicles, whose premises are situated in any of the belligerent countries, share the common lot, of being unable to deliver except in special cases any of their products to the private user. Amongst others, De Dion Bouton (1907), Ltd., whose London addrees is 10, Great Marlborough Street, W., suffers the disability in question. In this particular case, however, alleviation is possible in respect of certain models, and notably the half-ton commercial one.
Many of our reaclem, no doubt, are well acquainted with this particular chassis. For the benefit of those who are not, we have pleasure in furnishing the following brief particulars :—The power unit is an 8 h.p. single-cylinder one, 3-N in. by 6 in. bore and stroke reepectively, with therino-syphon circulation, and special Zenith carburetter. The clutch is the De Dims Bouton dry-plate, gearbox gives three speeds and reverse, and rear axle of the company's duplex cardan driving-shaft type, bevel driven. The price complete, with van body, and Dunlop pneumatic tires, is 2285.