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18th January 1963
18th January 1963
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Page 1, 18th January 1963

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Whose Voice ?

T HE paper, summarized on page 51 of this issue, given to thc Institute of Transport in London on Monday by Mr. G. F. Fiennes,...


GOODS Assistance in formulating EEC. transport plans has been offered by the U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission. Rail freight...

Page 7

U.S. Commission Ready to Help E.E.C. Formulate Transport Plans

FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT F ULL co-operation based on the trans-. port experience of the . U.S. Interstate Commerce...

14.11.T.F. Dissolution

'THE National Road Transport Federa1 lion is, as had been expected, definitely to be dissolved. This was made clear in a joint...

Railways Lost More Freight in 1962

FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT 'THE British Railways Board had dis heartening news this week to start off their campaign to...

Doubts on Fixed Rates

IT seemed rather hard to approve the reasons for the proposal by the F.E.C. Commission to publish rates tariffs for transport,...

Page 9

GOODS TRANSPORT New Speed Limit Soon

lkfiR. H. R. FEATHERSTONE., national LV.I. secretary of Traders' Road Transport Association, speaking at Reading on Tuesday,...

Highway Salt Shock

FIESPITE oft-repeated advice from the I.C.I. organization_ that they should stock up with adequate reserves of ground rock...

A Truly International Brussels Show

Franz John F. Moon, Brus,sels, Wednesday T "E first Japanese commercial vehicle to be exhibited in Europe, several Russian...

Rail-to-Road for Poultry

THE decision by Thornber Bros. Ltd., poultry breeders of Mytholmroyd, Yorks, to switch from rail to road transport in February...

Examining Tyre 'Agreements O N Monday, the Restrictive Practices Court in

London opened its eonsideration of the agreement between tyre manufacturers and distributors to mainta:n the Tyre Trade...

Wage Calculator • THE latest Road Haulage Wages Council Order,

R.H. (74), was published last week and came into effect on January .16, and already the 1953 edition . of the familiar "Wage...

Page 11

Progress Report on . Bulk Milk

R EFRIGERATED tanks for bulk collection of milk are now being installed on farms at the rate of about 50 a month. This was said...

Common Market Key to Channel Link

FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT THE long-awaited results of the joint I expert study of the chances of a new Channel link are...

Pakistan Pia.n Abandoned 1/TR. HAROLD COOK, the Bradford 0 ' 1 estate

agent, has abandoned his plan to run a bus service to Pakistan. He was granted a road service licence to run the proposed...

Tilling Companies in P.T.A.

A S foreshadowed in The Commercial Motor last week, the Tilling Group passenger undertakings have been admitted to membership...

The Beginnin gs of the Bus

A N YONE interested in the early 1-1 6history of the bus can obtain remarkable value for money in the form of two outwardly...

New Depot for Fife F IFE'S new £55,000 central transport depot

at Mitigate, Cupar, has been officially opened by Mr. George Sharp, Thornton, county vice-convener. in 1948, he said, it was...

Page 13

Objections to B-licence Bids Withdrawn A PERSONAL clarification of appli1 - 1

cations for new licences resulted in objections by British Railways and several road operators being withdrawn at Darlington on...

One Appeal Upheld, One Dismissed

A N appeal by Mr. J. R. Matthews, a Three Bridges, Sussex, haulier, against a refusal by the Metropolitan Licensing Authority...

Coal Merchant Seeks A-licence Extension L ARGER hauliers do not give

the personal attention and it is rriore difficult to pinpoint delays when they are involved, said Mr. Robert Cunningham,...

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Bids for Transporters, Tankers, Tippers and Furniture Vans

T HIS week there are substantial appIications concerning car transporters, tankers and vehicles for furniture haulage. In the...


APPLICATIONS (January 9, 19631 P. G. Walton Lid., Gateshead. new B lie., 2 veh. 0510, 3 art. i221 17c). Goods for Consett Iron...


APPLICATIONS (January 11, 1963) Brewer and Turnbull (Grecnup) Ltd., Hazel Grove, new A tic., 10 veh. (270. G.g., mainly...


APPLICATIONS (January 9, 1963) A. and W. Alitione Ltd.. Moulton (Northants). A var„ add 2 veh. (6t 14c). Building mats., farm...


APPLICATIONS (January 10, 1963) Sergeant's Transport. Stourport-on-Severn, new A lie., S vest. (1St). Mainly goods for Joseph...


APPLICATIONS (January 9, 1963) Prices Transport (Dines Fowls) Ltd., Dinas Powis (Glam.), new A lie., I veh. (41). and 1 trl....


APPLICATIONS (January 3, 19631 G. E. Wheeler, Catcou (Som.), new A lie., I veh. (510. Mainly stone and concrete products...


APPLICATIONS (January 10, 1963) T. Griffiths Ltd., E.2, new A tic., 2 veh. (4t). G.g. mainly wallpapers, plastics (raw mats,...

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Mr. Nelson Refuses Unsupported Bids N O delays were caused through

B.R. and B.R.S. being separately represented when Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, heard applications at Bristol...

Increased Traffic Leads to Application A S a result of complaints

about delays and lack of transport from customers, Robert Drummond, of Armadale, applied last week at Glasgow for one vehicle...

Durham Fares Increases TNCREASES in single fares on some I

Durham bus routes have been granted by the Northern Traffic Commissioners. Described as " modest " by the chairman of the...

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Mr. R. E. M. Hughes is shortly to retire from

his position as road transport manager (operating) of the Ulster Transport Authority. He became passenger manager of the U.T.A....

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Progress with Low-profile Tyres

I NCREASING use of low-profile tyres as replacements for twins on lorries was predicted last week by Raymond C. Firestone,...

Institute of Transport Scholarships

A C.M.U.A. Road Transport Research Fellowship, value up to £1,000, to enable a British subject over 30 years of age engaged in...

B.R.S. Specify Dual Brake Systems TT is reported that British

Road Services 1 is now specifying both air and vacuum trailer-brake systems on all new tractive units designed for use with 10...

Leyland Profit T HE net profit after taxation of the Leyland

Motors Ltd., including the profits for Associated Commercial Vehicles Ltd. for the year ended September 30, 1962, showed, at...

Alexanders of Edinburgh Taken Over T HE old-established firm of Alexanders

of Edinburgh Ltd., the largest Ford dealer in Scotland which has held the Ford franchise since 1905, has been bought by Mr....

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Dipped Headlamps Reduce Accidents

.QTRIKING figures in support of the 1, -- 7 Birmingham dipped headlamp campaign were given on Monday. These show that during...


Ltd. has received an order for 25 12-ton straight-frame semi-trailers through Doger de Speville, Mauritius, who has also...


Gosport Borough Council invites tenders by February 2 for inter alto " motor haulage" for the year ending March 31, 1964....

Tyre Take-over THE Avon India Rubber Co. Ltd. has I

purchased for 079,550 all the shares of the Normeir Tyre Co. Ltd. and, with minor exceptions, all the shares of its associated...


B.M.C. Exports Set New Record: Overseas sales of B.M.C. cars and commercial vehicles in 1962 continued to rise and at nearly...

Page 43

Renault Record THE total production for 1962 for

Renault vehicles of 566,000 represents an increase of 44 per cent over 1961, and constitutes a record in French automobile...

Hanomag Exports Down nVER the financial year ended Sep

tember 30, 1962, home sales of Hanomag goods vehicles continued to increase while export turnover fell off. Total goods vehicle...

Daimler-Benz in Argentine D ATMLER-BENZ AG, of Stuttgart, Federal Germany, manufacturer

of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles, has increased from 50 per cent to 95 per cent its holding in the Argentine vehicle...

DAF's Market S hare in Holland THE Van Doorne's Autonnobielfabriek

1 (DAF) concern, of Eindhoven, Holland, announces that over 1962 its home market share rose from 34 to 37 per cent in the case...

Automatic Compression Variation

A SCHEME by which the compression it ratio of an engine can be made to adjust itself to prevailing speed is shown in patent No....

Stopping Diesels Before Fuel Runs Out

I F a diesel engine should completely empty its fuel tank, air is drawn into the pump system and a complicated bleeding...

Three-way-stretch Piston Ring

. 1-1 A SIMPLE piston ring, capable of exerting an expansive force upwards, downwards . and outwards, forms the subject of...

Transporting Liquids

A METHOD of transporting liquids is the subject of patent No. 901,753 which suggests using specially designed tyres for holding...

A Stair-climbing Truck

p JRNITLIRE removers and warehousemen will be interested in a novel goods-handling vehicle shown in patent No. 902,344. The...

Page 44

Versatile Swedish Gear Pump

!MOW available in the U.K. is a rotary 't gear positive-displacement pump made by the Albin Motor Co. of Kristinehamn, Sweden....

Keeping Out Noise

nURING the past year, The Exhaust Ejector Co. Ltd., 11 Wade House Road, Shelf, Nr. Halifax, has been producing kits of...

Stationary Compressor

A NEW twin-cylinder stationary air compressor, the VR65, has been introduced by B.E.N. Patents Ltd. (Division of Broom and Wade...

Aft-line Fittings

A RANGE of plastics fittings designed I - I-for use with semi-rigid piping, and the addition of double male adapters to its...

History and Products

L'OUR new publications have been issued by Turner Brothers Asbestos Co. Ltd., Rochdale. One gives details of the company's...

Modern Mirrors

A RANGE of modern-design commercial vehicle exterior mirrors is now being produced by Burrafirrn Ltd., Vincent Works, Croxstall...

Joining Aluminium Parts

IN addition to its aluminium solder, Soldalum 121 Industrial (Metallur g ical) Services, 138 Hi g h Street, Waltham Cross,...

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Bird's Eye View

TIME changes all things, I know, but it doesn't stop me feeling rather sorry that the British Railways Board has decided to...

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IT is not all that long ago since mileages of a quarter of . a million without lifting the cylinder head were looked upon as...

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Fair Rates For P.s.v.


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Mr. G. F. Fiennes, chief operating officer of British Railways, speaks out in favour of transport co-ordination T HE voluntary...

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On the Rebound

by JANUS F OR some reason there has been considerable speculation about whether British Road Services, in its new-found...

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Booking Office

ONE facility which most people in Britain take for granted is the ready availability of a wealth of books. In recent years...

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44 URN out a good-looking lorry; keep it up to scratch, and you can then demand the highest standard of driver." That, in a...

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Commercial Aspects

of Transport L AST week I emphasized the importance of selling a transport service as distinct from operating one. Whilst many...