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T HE air transport of goods is still looked upon by many people in trade and industry as someihing which will grow gradually...
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' T is obvious that the British Transport Corn mission and the appropriate Executives will have to play their cards very...
The man who Drove , I AST week we referred a Bus when aged "briefly to the death, on Nine . October 19, of Mr. W. H. Birch,...
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That the vicious circle is still with us and higher wages all round wouldn't make it all square. That Britain must produce the...
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A FT ER having carried about 2.500,000 tons of open-cast coal from sites in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Leicestershire,...
For Parcels Traffic ?. D ig,SCRIBEti as a clear case between the State and private enterprise, an appLeation by National...
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rEBRUARY I next will be the appointed day under the Transport Act. After that date it will be illegal to carry for hire or...
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I. Thornycroft arid Co., Ltd., on November 16, shareholders will be asked to approve a proposal by the board that, if .the...
G LA$GOW CORPORATION is to . invite tenders for the erection of 50 bus shelters for the city services. • It has been agreed...
O N November 9 and HI the Appeal fribunal will he sitting at the Scottish Land Court, Edinburgh. Three appeals will b.e heard,...
the British Road Federation and allied bodies will be held on Novem ber 9, at 5.15 p.m., at the British Council Cinema, 3,...
A GROUP insurance scheme offered to the National Employers' Association of Vehicle Builders, to cover participating members...
SIR Roy Flipnree . has reSigned front the board of Leyland Motors, Ltd. • MR. BARTON TOWNLEY has resigned his directorship of...
.nuR immediate . object is the O UR services • of the Western -National and the Southern National systetns even more...
E DINBURGH'S municipal passenger transport department now has more buses than staff, and the full fleet cannot be manned at the...
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pONFUSTON exists over the number of public service vehicles to be allocated to the home market in 1950. As reported in "The...
A T the annual dinner of the Yorkshire West Riding Area of the Traders' Road Transport Association, Mr. J. V. Braithwaithe....
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A REDUCTION in the variety of products manufactured is recontmended by the Committee for Standardization of Engineering...
TWENTY-NINE more . haulage 1 undertakings were acquired by the Road Haulage Executive during the week from October 23-31,...
W E regret to record the passing of MR. WALTER C. PARSONS, superintendent of Dunlop's tyre division, at the age of 65. He had...
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before the Industrial Transport Association recently, Mr. F. L. Sabatini reviewed road - haulage rates structures for different...
Were becoming more critical of suspension systems, Mr. J. A. Birdsell, B.Sc.. A.M.I.Mech.E., design engineer of Jonas Woodhead...
Ltd., has been granted short-term A licences expiring on December 31, for two vehicles of 7 tons unladen weight, based at...
Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., operated 96 cruises, carrying 2,330 passengers and running 89,705 miles. A provisional...
the Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund is organizing a dance to be held at the Lyceum, Strand, London, - W.C.2, on December...
P ROPOSITIONS to increase beethaulage rates by 10 per cent. and corn-haulage rates by 15 per cent, were carried at a meeting,...
pay for skilled mechanics who work on emergency duties not included in either day or night shifts, the trade unions...
under - the Henry Snuffler Memorial, scheme shoulkl . be made to the -Institute of Transport, 80, Portland Place, London, W.1,...
Spirit (Conveyance) Regulations. Vehicles used for the haulage of petroleum must conform to the 1939 regulations unless the...
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By G. MACKENZIE JUNNER, M.I.Mech.E. T HE first section of the 36th Paris Show which, in the commercial field, was devoted to...
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A SEM1-TRAILER for the bulk transport of grain has recently been completed by R. A. -Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-80, Grafton...
" p UBL1C transport seems to be the Cinderella; conditions are Created which make it impossible for it to give adequate...
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Double-deck Body I " N .a new all-metal double-deck bus body being . built by Duple Motor .Bodies, Ltd., Edgware OW, The...
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Large Numbers of independent Stage Operators are a Feature of Passenger Transport in the West Riding, whilst, on the Other...
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—Challenges Our Contributor, Who Indicts Those Afraid to Admit Political Bias in Attacking Nationalization; He Denounces the...
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D ESIGNED to house 100 doubledeck buses, a new garage at Quinton was opened last Sunday by Birmingham Transport Department. The...
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1 T is indeed heartening to read in your journal of the compliment that General Russell has paid to drivers after his trip from...
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six-wheeled tankers used for the transport of aviation spirit are being made by Messrs. Kensington Service Garage, Queen's Gate...
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At a Time When the Possibility of State Encroachment and the Increase in Costs Hamper Pevelopment, Removers Seek to Improve...
E NTITLED "Small-lots Bureaux: the I-L.Ineed for a nation-wide network," the paper read by Mr. Isard was similar to one...
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JR. E. B. HAYNES promoted aetive indiseussion by his paper entitled " Storage rates in the light of decontrol." Storage rates...
lkeiR. E. G. WRIGHT in presenting IVIhis paper, 'The latest developments under the Transport Act, 1947," paid tribute first of...
M unicipalities? IN the House of Commons, last week, 1 Mr. Ellis Smith asked the Minister of Transport, Mr. A. Barnes, whether...
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Should Pay Invaluable Information for Milk Hauliers is Given in This Article, Which Sets Out Reasonable Charges for Their...
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A NOV EL type of suspension, intended mainly for lorries and buses, forms the subject of patent No. 626,867. by...