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M ORE than passing interest s h ul d be _ attached to the recent remarks of Mr. F. I. Connolly, president of the Society of...
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B EFORE the recent war designers had succeeded in providing a high degree of passenger comfort in coaches and buses. Especial...
THE rolling of screw threads 1 on various parts of motor vehicles, such as shafts and, particularly, wheel studs, is gaining...
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That some coach seats would not disgrace the home lounge. That, in fact, some may be found there. That "one for the road" may...
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F OR a second time, Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council has rejected a recommendation that it should hand over its transport...
WESTERN EUROPE requires nr 1,000,000 more lorries by 1952, according to plans made under the European Recovery Programme. It is...
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C ONVICTIONS against E. Wells and Son, Ltd., Rotherhithe, London, S.E.16, and a driver, on a charge of having used a vehicle...
nURING the first 15 weeks of this year, the output of Leyland vehicles increased by 29 per cent. compared with the...
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MR. S. .L L. HARDIE has resigned his directorship of Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd. / MR. J. B. HOLLETI, secretary, and MR. A. A....
Austin A40 commercial models for sale in America have been reduced in price by £50 to £374. During March, 4,952 lorries and...
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L AST year, a record total of more than 51,000,000 empty containers was collected by S.P.D., Ltd., from shops, canteens,...
rLAIMED to be Europe's largest car hire organization, Godfrey Davis, Ltd., held a reception on Monday at its depot at Neasden...
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V OUCHER lubrication and maintenance services for Bedford vehicles have been introduced by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. They are...
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N offer has been made by AssoLsiated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., to wire the issued ordinary stock of rk Royal Vehicles, Ltd.,...
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FIGHTS E IGHTEEN months ago, he said, " 1 was standing at the crossroads. Should I shrug my shoulders at the business I had...
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riESPITE fuel restrictions, advance L./bookings placed with the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., for tours and private hire...
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I WAS very interested to read the article, "Passenger Transport Profits Trebled in 10 Years," in "The Commercial Motor" dated...
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By P. A. C. Brockingt( A.M.1.Mech.E. 0 F a weekly total of 4,000 tons -of sand and gravel excavated lay the Severn Valley Sand...
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of the road T HE performance of the Sunbeam trolleybus may well be likened to the smooth travel of the fabulous magic carpet....
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MINE timetabled services which were. unremunerative throughout the year were being run by the East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd.,...
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T HEpaper on pistons and rings, read before the London members of the institute of Road Transport Engineers, on April 21, by...
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T HE HE subject of insurance, and especially insurance of the load carried, is full of pitfalls for the unwary. Some people say...
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A UTOMATIC action is claimed for a — knew transmission system disclosed in patent No. 615,143, from the Ford Motor Co,, Ltd.,...