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S OME interesting particulars regarding the present and future mechanizatioh of the Army were given last week by Sir Laming...
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That Mr. Walter Wolsey, of _Tilling's, has recently been Lancastrianized. l 'rhat one needs no sixth sense to steer a...
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"The wheels of wealth wild be slowed by all difficulties of transPort at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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For many years THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR has published, under the heading of "Local Proceedings," much exclusive information...
W E reproduce on this page two pictures of a new two-purpose saloon body mounted on a 1927 Ford chassis. The chief idea in the...
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Restriction of Headlight Dazzle. Upright Kerbstones on Country . Roads. Bus Undertakings Absorbed by the L.G.O.C. Newcastle's...
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A Semi-trailer which Increases Its Capacity from 1.1 to 3 Tons, and which is Coupled and Uncoupled Automatically. A LTHOUGH...
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The Corporation's Earlier Repressive Action Against Private Bus Operators Recalled in Parliament when Its Own Bill was...
The Use of the Motor Lorry in the Transport of Pigs is One of the Most Rapidly Developing. Applications in the Service of...
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Ample Power for Hill-climbing and Negotiating Soft Ground is Provided. T HERE is always a difficult stage in the development...
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A Practicable Device for Preventing Wheel-slip on Roads and Soft Ground. A T this time of the year many users of commercial...
A N interesting system of lubricating the whole chassis from one point has been brought out by the Hills Products Corporation,...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. • 489.—Concerning...
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Details of an All-aluminium Body ol Leyland Motors, Ltd., and Jnusual Type Recently Completed by Lted on a Lioness Chassis. W...
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The New Overland Box-van on a Chassis Designed for Low First Cost and Reasonable Maintenance Outlay. T O meet the increasing...
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A Peculiar Idea for the Reduction of Humming Sounds. W E have always felt that more research work should be conducted in the...
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A Severe Test of Three Different Types of Vehicle over a North African Route, Using Local Supplies of Wood. R EADERS...
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A TRAFFIC committee appointed by the Manchester Corporation to consider schemes for minimizing street congestion and pedestrian...
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Some Notes on an Important Subject which Deserves More Attention Than It Usually Receives. W HEN bearings are being fitted or...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. TN a number of issues of The Commer cial Motor during the past...
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Continuing Our Summarized Analysis of the Latest Available Passenger Transport Returns of the Most Prominent Municipal...
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Particulars of a New Clyno 8-cwt. Van with Four-wheel Brakes and Low-pressure Tyres. T HERE is an enormous field for...
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Owning or Hiring a Van. Why Some Users Find It More Economical to Hire. How Regularity of Work Affects the Issue. W HEN...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors; Letters should be on one side of...
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Useful Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. More About Petrol Pipes. CORRESPONDENT, " F.S.," of Orpington,...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. M Ai - ORRIS COMMERCIAL CARS, LTD., AND CHARLES F. L. KING, in two...