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Haulage Growth Leads To
'EVICTION' ORDER From a Special Correspondent DECAUSE, like Topsy, his business has "growed and growed", Mr. D. B. Orme now faces an enforcement order to vacate part of his own......
Serious Evasion Of Regulations
cERIOUS. concern about evasion of till Construction and Use Regulations fo: vehicles has been expressed by Sir Edwari Dodd, Chief Inspector of Constabulary fo England and Wales.......
Hauliers Solve Piggy-backing Problem
A N agreement recently announced by GTTM (Groupement Technique des Transporteurs Mixtes) of Paris will enable French UFR piggy-back semi-trailers to circulate within the United......
Oil Project A Boost To Humberside
T HE announcement last week by the Britisl Transport Docks Board of a £2.7m. deep water oil terminal at Immingham (Lines) ha given a further boost to Humberside. The pro ject,......