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Freight Survey Shows That London Heads The Export Table
M ORE than a quarter, by value, of Britain's total trade originates within 30 miles of London and more than half within 105 miles; the Port of London is, beyond dispute, the......
New Cross-channel Container Service
A NEW export service for the movement of ISO containers up to 30 ft. in length between Britain and France has been introduced by British Railways, in association with the......
New Container Transport Company?
Fr HE establishment of a road transport company to move large containers between ocean terminals and inland clearance depots is planned by Coast Lines Ltd. in partnership with......
M Ore Shipping Tonnage By Road
THE shipping tonnage taken by road to Newhaven was expected to increase by 40,000 tons next year, and perhaps by a further 50,000 tons in 1968 as a result of dock improvements......