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Guided Missiles?
O NE hears a lot about proposed developments of rapid transport systems for some British cities and, in particular, Manchester. A possibility which has been mooted is the......
Status Medium
T HE Institute of Transport, moving towards the completion of a half-century's service to its members, was taking a close look at the likely shape of things to come, said......
Tour Partner Needed
T HE ease with which a 17-year-old office girl demonstrated D. H. Morgan's 16-ton front-loading low-loader, (CM last week) prompted one of the Australian journalists present to......
Saving Time
T HE intimation by the unions at last week's meeting of the National Negotiating Committee for the haulage industry that a pay claim is on the way was not a concerted move by......
Friends At Court?
T HE TGWU is sometimes thought to be a monolithic body with a one-track mind on policy matters. In fact, of course, its senior officials enjoy a great deal of independence. The......
Destination Polotskis
M ANY drivers, no doubt, are quite happy to earn a living pottering up and down the Ml. But I'm sure at least two of the drivers employed by P and H Transport would find this......