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THE Ahousands of drivers of London's buses -Iwill, no doubt, have welcomed with heartfelt appreciation the news that at last,...
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E. S. ShrapnellSmith, C.B.E., from the presidency of the Commercial Motor Users Association, and until after the general...
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"Th. wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Grormrssma Corporation has accepted the tender of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd., for the supply of nine...
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for the SHAH of PERSIA TN view of the efforts at present .lbeing made to develop our trade with countries overseas, it will...
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4 . , A LL the winners! is Ills the cry and for a penny we may have a London paper containing the very latest news from the...
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for High class Goods 0 N 'many occasions during the wa-st 20 years attention has been drawn to the publicity value of...
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I N order to enable the transport of furniture by Motor vehicle to be speedily and safely undertaken, Messrs. Fyall and...
rplIE sale e of tractors in South _L Africa, which have been increasing during the past four years, show evidence of having...
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T HE motor coach and motorbus have come to stay. This is certain, for the ever-increasing popularity of this branch of road...
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TULCANIZATION is generally reV garded as the most effective methol of repairing the majority of injuries to tyres and inner...
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and PULLS S OME special features have been incorporated in the new Chenard-Walcker tractor which Hall, Lewis and Co., Ltd. has...
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TIIRANSPORT overseas, particularly in countries which are only partially developed, presents certain problems often difficult...
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FIRE-ENGINE TT will, no doubt, be remembered by Jimmy of our readers that the Stanley Fire Engine Company,,of Hall Street,...
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Details of a Dennis H-type Bus with Hickman Double-saloon Body Affording Comfort which is Above the Average. I N producing to...
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What Has Been Planned for the Forthcoming Season by the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd. 1 - 1 I:RING the Easter • holiday...
Some Details of Important Bus Developments and What They Will Effect. A SURPRISE move was effected recently, when it was...
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Details of the Recent Arrangement Concluded Between the Halifax Corporation and two Railway Companies. I T is generally known...
The Inauguration of a Direct Daily Service, the Fares on which are Much Lower than the Comparable Railway Charges. riviERE can...
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for a TRACTOR-LORRY T ICEMENDOUS loads are often conveyed by vehicles of the tractor-trailer type, and yet the drive is...
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Operating Costs for Commercial Vehicles. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 127621 Sir,—May I be permitted to refer to...
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CIONTINUING my most recent article, I will deal ‘..J this week with the question of the provision for the payment of...
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WITH CARE MEM conveyance of large sheets of glass intended for the construction of shop fronts has always been a costly and...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. Sidecar Taxis in Czecho-Slovakia....
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Interesting Contributions from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. Raising Bogged Vehicles. F RON( New South Wales...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. I N their specifidation No. 306,980, Morris Commercial Cars ' Ltd., P....