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25th February 1944
25th February 1944
Page 1
Page 1, 25th February 1944

Page 15

A Further Step to Unity

D BTAILS of the contents of the second report of the Road Transport Organization .JoinVConference New are included in this...

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Leaded Fuel Position Improves

S OME of our readers may have wondered why, after the publication of our emphatic leader, "The Lead Poisoning of TranSport,"...

Passing Comments

See That Your ConTHAT it might be as well for ductress is on Board bus passengers to make sure the Bus that they have their...

Page 17

One Hears

Of batteries having an exiding life. r That much that is synthetic will endure beyond " the duration.". That "in the...

Page 18

News of the Week

Official Proposals for Further Wages Increases F OLLOWING the recent request for increases in the wages of road haulage...

Page 20

Personal Pars

DR. H. R. RICARDO, F.R.S,, has been elected President of the Institution of ;Mechanical Engineers for the year 1944-45. GERARn...

Mr. L. P. Lord Explains Austin Re-employment Policy

ri E vice-chairman and joint managng director of the Austin Motor Co,, Ltd., Mr. L. P. Lord, was very concerned to read...

Page 21

B.B.C.'s New Recording Vans for Front-line Service

ITTITH the object of recording eye witnes3 accounts' of the fighting and other activities in the actual battle zones, -the...

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I N my ,previous article, published in last week's issue of

" ,The 'Commercial Motor," in which I drew attention to the fact that common bricks differ in weight to as great an extent as...

Page 24

Gas Producers Set a Problem in Eire

W HEN neutral Eire started to feel, 'the pinch of Vie petrol shortage, it began to pay heed to the lusty infant industry which...

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Getting a Thrill from Anti-Freeze

Being the Experience of a User of the War-time Product Related in Lighter Vein IN peace-time, most of us were keen to itry out...

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The Indusi Problems; What Our Rea Are Thinking

Voluntary Consolidation or Nationalization? WITH uncertainty and suspicion uppermost in the Vv minds of small oper a tors at...

Support Small Hauliers and Clearing Houses

WITHOUT reserve, I would like to support the vv . remarks made by Mr. L. C. Andrews in his letter concerning the efforts made...

Page 27

Appreciation of Our "Pass It On" Scheme

A LTH-OUGH I am not known to you personally, I have been a reader of " The Commercial Motor " since about 1912. As a fitter...

Page 31

Analysis of New A.R.O. Policy

Whether or Not the R.H.A. Adopts the Principles Expounded by the Hauliers Sectional Board of A.R.0. They Afford an Interesting...

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Association Unity Nearing completion

T HE second report to its constituent bodies on the orgknization of the road-transport industry has been • issued by the Joint...

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O NE of the most disturbing influences to the nervous system is that of noise and, wherever possible, steps should be taken to...