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One Hears

25th February 1944
Page 17
Page 17, 25th February 1944 — One Hears
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Of batteries having an exiding life.

r That much that is synthetic will endure beyond " the duration.".

That "in the catarogue " is not always synonymous with obtainable.

.That 17s. is the cost of domestic coal at the pithead and that it costs a further 34s; to deliver it.

That London Transport employees haVe contributed over £24,000 to the Red Cross Penny-a-Week Fund.

That some may be in clover after the war, but even the most optimistic should not expect it to be of the four-leaved variety.

That porosity in many casfings can be cured by Bakelite Sealing Solution, which stands temperatures up to 600 degrees F. • That the reflections of many are merely reflected.

Of many looking forward keenly to the next C.V. Show.

. That public-servicettramways were running in 1832 in America, 30 years before being adopted in this country.

That the railways must have sleepers, but all roadtransport men must keep wide awake to the dangers that threaten them.

That with peace will come the need for transferring rapidly to other forms of production some 5,000,000 workers now making munitions.

Of the nucleus of a national gas grid in six widespread, districts comprising London, South and West Yorkshire, the North-East Coast area, the Severn Valley, Wiltshire and Kent.

That limited road development is the road to nowhere.

That working as a team does not necessarily mean being driven as such.

That " exploding " glasses will not put many off their favourite beverage.

Of inquiries as to who was the first to set up business as a motor trader.

Of much interest being taken in the subject of the coming Jubilee of the British motor industry.

That, Army vehicles of to-day could almost compete in steeplechasing and are certainly a grand national asset.,