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The original extraordinary action of Mr. Herbert Samuel, M.P., the ex-President of the Local Gov t ernment Board; in...
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The following Rumours, of which the Press Bureau has no Confirmation, but to the Publication of which, we imagine, it will take...
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The Present and Future Shortage of Labour is Attracting Extraordinary Attention to the Coming More Urgent Need for Further...
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The groaning ofthe implement yard (44 will be, of course, fonncl to be more oie leasis ifs:Ual. The •familiar - black-and-white...
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A Lavishly-equipped Motor-ambulance and Portable-hospital Equipment. An Amusing Tale of the Mud-splashing Career of a B-Type....
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels oi Industry," continues of national...
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By Henry Sturmey, A couple of years since I described in THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR an American farm tractor, of very ingenious...
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The Vulcan, as made in America. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 11435] Sir,—Referring to your article in the current issue...
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We Witness Preliminary Trials before Its Shioment to New Zealand. That special form of power transmission known as the Thomas...
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The Court of Appeal Reverses Mr. Justice Warrington's Decision. Appeal Court Holds that Railway Companies Need Not Maintain...
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, AT THE HEAD OF THE FUND (A.S.C., M.T., Depots). Grove Park, per Col. H. F. T. Fisher and Major F. W. Wright. £750. I...
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A Summary of a Report Presented by the Electric Vehicle Committee, Followed by a Note of the Discussion and a Description of...
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• After the discussion the meeting adjourned to the Embankment to inspect, the machines there assembled. Nineteen vehicles in...
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at the rate of one penny a line of ten words published, with an allowance for photographs. Communications of special merit will...
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A New Pressed-steel Wheel. Detachable-rim Improvements. An Unusual Bus-body. Rover Heavy-vehicle Rear Axles. Copies of...