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Q UITE a number of prosecutions, following the recent Order penalizing motor vehicles which cause excessive noise either in...
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A Peugeot Light Model A WELL-TRIED type of vehicle of I. small capacity is the 5-cwt Peugeot; it has had several years service...
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for Heavy Road Vehicles A NOTICEABLE feature in modern designs of brake gear for heavy and fast-moving road machines is that...
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I N addition to the l'ght van selling at 4165 and intended for loads of about 10 cwt., Morris Motors (1926), Ltd., of Coley,...
A MEANS for overcoming the difficulty of filling the grease guns used iii the lubrication of chassis parts of commercial motors...
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C Caf PETITION nowadays. is so keen that it is necessary for all businesses to he run on the most efhcient lines in order tb...
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The National-Pneumatic-Peters System of Remote and Automatic Control for Doors, which is on Exhibition at Yarmouth This Week....
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T HE Fortway three-slam van-door Jock is a very neat fitment which should appeal to coaehbuilders handling bodywork for...
A - HAND signal given by a driver is, generally speaking, almost invisible at night, and during the daylight hours it is not...
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from an Old-established British Works First Descriptions of Two Dennis Low-loading Models Designed to Carry Coach or Bus...
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.t1daily of the merits of the principles of the rigid six-wheeler, judging by the number of chassis which is being converted to...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. TWO SUGGESTIONS FOR BUS OPERATORS. A Special Form of Ash-tray and an...
Delay in Dealing with Licensing Applications Results in a Dispute Between the Municipality and a Local Operating Concern....
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The Returns for 1928 of the Working of Passenger-carrying Vehicles in the Frepch Capital. B Y the courtesy of M: L....
A New Newspaper Champions 'theCause of Bus Operators and Emphasizes the Safety of Journeys by Road. B TJS operators in the...
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of the paper only and, preferably, typewritten. The...
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W HILST the garage cateringisolely for motorcars may be able to carry on satisfactorily without special tackle for• the...
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A Discussion on the Merits of the Different Means for Obtaining Maximum Seating Capacity Commensurate with Comfort. T HE...
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A NEW form of combined ambulance and disinfecting-van body has recently been .made to the order of the Leicestershire...
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A New Bean Product of Simple Design and Robust Construction Which Has Been Tested Out for Several Months Before Being Put Into...
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to be demonstrated AT A MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE The Passenger-vehicle Side of the Industry to be Well Represented at the Annual...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. Visit of Trade Commissioner from...
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and their Production A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. A COMPANY of Rochester, U.S.A., known as Gleason...